Self-Talk 101: How To Transform The Way You Look & Feel By Changing How You Talk to Yourself

Have you ever said the words that course through the axons in your brain out-loud for the world to witness the badgery!?
Five years ago, I did and it brought me to my knees in tears.
For the past decade, all I’ve heard from loving friends and family are the following words: “Don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re doing great” yet I continued to listen to the voices inside my head that said otherwise, until I recognized the relationship I had created.
Your self-talk, that inner mind-chatter, is just a front for a relationship in need of some love and attention. Your emotions aren’t foes nor friends, they are your life allies. They are your passionate, forever partner in crime. When you hear the saying “love yourself first” this is what it means. Using this deep relationship to catapult and strengthen your life is just a small part of my programs, yet a crucial step.

Learning to cultivate a loving relationship starts with communication.

Our minds can pose a challenge when their running on HIGH at 50,000 – 70,000 thoughts per day, yet the worst part is, we’re more likely than not to believe every word. And on top of this, it can seem near impossible to maintain a connection with who we truly are beneath the mayhem of incessant thoughts.

So here it is: Self-Talk 101

  1. Listen – begin to truly notice the thoughts that arise
  2. Love – respond and lead with your heart
  3. Respect – the feelings that come up as valid, regardless of their truth, honor that moment for it feels real in that moment
  4. Prioritize – put yourself first, honor your needs and care for yourself
  5. Purposeful Action – act in alignment with your purpose

Say goodbye to old negative beliefs and hello to a lifelong relationship with your allied friends. Happy thinking!

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