Elle Macpherson's Personal Trainer Shares His Post-Workout Recipe

It's not what you'd expect.

A client’s body is to a personal trainer what a painting is to an artist. It’s their work of art, a reflection of their talent. And when it comes to bodies, Elle Macpherson is the Mona Lisa and her trainer, James Duigan, is one hell of an artist.
In fact, she’s not the only star he trains. The Bodyism founder’s celebrity clientele includes Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Lara Stone, Emilie Clarke and even Hugh Grant (why do you think he looks so good for his age?). His philosophy around wellness is unique and it’s safe to say, his methods work.
Duigan believes in nurturing the body—with clean wholefoods and gentle movement—not punishing it. So when we got the scoop on his favourite post-workout recipe, we were all ears. If you’re thinking it’s a protein smoothie, think again. Duigan refuels post sweat-sesh with something a little more nourishing: his Clean & Lean Bread.
Lathered in nut butter, paired with eggs, or dipped in olive oil, there’s nothing quite like this bread. It’s gluten-free and can be eaten for breakfast or as a snack.

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Clean and Lean Bread Recipe


chopped red onion (optional)
sprig of rosemary (optional)

Dry ingredients
128g coconut flour
128g ground flaxseed
128g pumpkin seeds
384g almond flour
32g poppy seeds
32g sesame seeds
7.5g baking powder
pinch of sea salt
pinch of black pepper
3 thyme sprigs
3 rosemary sprigs
3 tablespoons psyllium husk (optional)

Wet ingredients
75g coconut oil, melted
5 eggs
156g rice milk
3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
192g blended tofu

  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Grease a 23x12x7cm loaf tin.
  2. Mix all the dry ingredients together in a bowl. Mix the wet ingredients together in a separate bowl. Add the dry mix to the wet mixture.
  3. Pour the mix into the greased tin and bake for 30 minutes.
  4. Layer the red onion and rosemary on top of the bread (if using) and return to the oven for another 10–15 minutes.
If you like this GF bread (which you will), try Duigan’s Clean & Lean Granola recipe.
Check out Rosie HW’s fitness below.

clean and lean cookbook,This is an extract from Clean and Lean For Life by James Duigan, which includes 150 delicious, nutrient-rich recipes for a happy, healthy body. The simple recipes designed for every occasion, are free from gluten, dairy and refined sugar.

Shop the cookbook.

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