Prebiotics vs Probiotics: What Exactly is the Difference, Do I Need Both?

To keep ourselves healthy, we need to make sure our gut is intact

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

If the pandemic taught us anything, health is worth everything. Keeping up with wellness, nutrition, probiotics, and exercise are all ways in which we can make our bodies stronger. However, we know focusing on feeling our best starts from within. It’s a journey that we can take to keep ourselves calmer, create more energy, and ensure we treat our bodies with kindness. One of the first steps you can take with your overall health and wellness is with your gut. When your gut is feeling good, the possibilities are endless. Over 2,500 years ago, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates said that “all disease begins in the gut.” He wasn’t far off.

To keep ourselves in good shape, we need to ensure our gut is intact. The gut harbors bacteria, and it’s not all good. The ‘bad bacteria’ can throw off the body’s microbiome. That’s why probiotics and prebiotics are so important—these ‘good bacteria’ supplements can support systemic benefits, not just gut health. We outlined the differences and similarities between pre-and-probiotics below. Please keep reading about why they could be your gut’s new BFF below.

Prebiotics vs. Probiotics:

What Are Probiotics?

Should you take probiotics? - Harvard Health

You may have heard many explanations for probiotics and why you might need them. The Mayo Clinic classifies probiotics as being made up of good bacteria that help keep your body healthy and feeling well. How they help include fighting off harmful bacteria if you ingest too much, but their primary function is to keep your microbiome in check. These good, live bacteria balance the impact of harmful bacteria. The microbiome exists within your body to keep you safe and protected from infections.

What Are Prebiotics?

Here’s where things get interesting and very cool (if you geek out on science like us). Prebiotics are like fertilizers in the way they work, according to the Mayo Clinic. They are plant fibers that stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. In fruit, vegetables, and complex carbohydrates such as fiber and starch, you can find them. Your body cannot digest them, but they work as food for that good bacteria and the other microbes in your microbiome. When paired with probiotics, prebiotics serve as a protective shield against stomach acid and bile so the ‘good bacteria in the probiotic can make it to your colon. More on that below.

Why Do You Need Both?

Here’s the case for both: more good bacteria equals less of that harmful bacteria getting in the way of your health. By having good bacteria in your system, harmful bacteria don’t get a chance to grow and cause disease. The truth of the matter is: that you need prebiotics for probiotics to work. Prebiotics are an incredible foundation for ensuring your probiotics get where they need to go. When you do this, you start “microbiome therapy.” Taking both in unison or one supplement is called a synbiotic.

What You Need to Know Before Taking a Synbiotic

If you decide to take a synbiotic, prepare for your body to get acclimated to it. When you start the new regimen, you might have gas, constipation, loose stool, or maybe even a loss of appetite. Additionally, you might have some bloating and acid reflux. This is all normal and starts at the beginning of your new routine. It should go away with time!

Why BIOptimizers Probiotics is the Best of Both Worlds probiotics p3-om

The BIOptimizers P3-OM contains probiotics plus prebiotic supplements to promote all aspects of a healthy gut. They help balance the immune response, add to your digestive enzyme bank account, strengthen your gut barrier, communicate with your brain, and promote healthy gut movement.

P3-OM Benefits

Supports Gut Barrier Health and Nutrient Absorption

A strong gut barrier is essential for optimal nutrient absorption and digestive health. Probiotics, like those in P3-OM, may help support gut barrier function and promote efficient digestion, contributing to a balanced microbiome.

Optimizes Digestive Function and Relieves Digestive Symptoms

P3-OM produces enzymes that assist in breaking down proteins, helping to support digestion and reduce occasional digestive discomfort. These enzymes also contribute to maintaining a healthy gut environment by breaking down fibers into beneficial compounds that nourish gut cells.

Controls the Growth of Bad Bacteria, Viruses, and Yeasts in the Gut

Maintaining balance in the gut is critical for overall health. The strain in P3-OM has been studied for its ability to support a healthy microbiome by limiting the growth of undesirable microbes, which may help maintain gut harmony.

Helps to Improve Mood, Stress Resilience, and Brain Balance

Emerging research suggests that gut health plays a role in mood and stress resilience. By supporting a healthy gut microbiome, P3-OM may contribute to the gut-brain connection, helping you feel your best.

Supports Healthy Immune Function

A healthy gut is closely linked to immune health. Probiotics like P3-OM support a balanced gut environment, which is vital for a resilient immune system.

May Help With Vaginal Imbalance

A balanced gut microbiome is connected to overall microbial health. P3-OM may help support gut balance, which in turn contributes to maintaining healthy microbial diversity throughout the body.

May Improve Weight Loss

Research indicates that gut health plays a role in overall wellness, including maintaining a healthy weight. P3-OM may support gut barrier function and promote microbial balance, which are essential components of a healthy lifestyle when combined with proper diet and exercise.

Supports Muscle Building Efforts

Efficient protein digestion is crucial for muscle growth and recovery. P3-OM’s proteolytic enzymes support protein breakdown, promoting better absorption and utilization—an important aspect of muscle-building nutrition.

Deep Sleep Support

Magnesium Breakthrough

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3X The Value Of Food


Want to absorb ALL the valuable nutrients from your food?

Improve Your Digestion

Good Bacteria Support


Want to protect your body from bad bacteria that’s causing bloating?


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