Is The Pegan Diet The Healthiest Yet? It Combines Both Paleo And Vegan

Just when you thought you've nailed being a flexitarian...

The "pegan" diet combines elements of veganism with the paleo diet.

We’re not meaning to stir things up around here, but we’re just swinging by to let you know that there’s a new diet in town, and it might just be the healthiest yet.

There are SO many food philosophies circulating at the moment; vegan, vegetarian, paleo, pescatarian or even flexitarian. And did we mention high carb low fat, high fat low carb, raw or keto? Well, despite the many of options already available, it never hurts to add just one more into the mix.

The pegan diet incorporates what experts perceive to be the healthiest aspects of veganism with elements of the paleo lifestyle, essentially picking the best bits of both and merging them into a brand new shiny diet with a fun new name.

Here’s the basics of peganism (and don’t let damn autocorrect fool you into writing ‘paganism’, we promise that peganism is very different).

Sugar is foe, and yes that includes excessive fruits

The main criticism of the vegan diet is that all of those fruits and packaged, faux ‘replacement’ items can really crank up your sugar count. And yes, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this does include fruits. Fruits in moderation is absolutely fine, but chomping down on a smoothie bowl for breakfast that contains three bananas, two mangos and is topped with a sh*t tonne of granola ain’t gonna fill you up, or help your blood sugar levels.

Plants, plants and more plants

If the main criticism of veganism is that it can wind up being laden with sugar, praise for the diet is rooted in the bounty of plants it suggests you consume. Vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fibre are abundant in a plant based diet, all of which are building blocks of optimum health, disease prevention and lowering inflammation levels.

Healthy fats are essential

Many vegan diets advocate limiting your oil intake and keeping fats to a minimum; but not peganism. Incorporating healthy fats such as avocado, coconut or olive oil, fish and nuts is one of the tastiest – and let’s face it, healthiest – aspects of going pegan.

Avoid gluten and dairy

We all know by now that gluten ain’t great (we sometimes just choose to look the other way because PIZZA), and dietary advice has evolved to condemn dairy to a similar fate. Gluten is hella inflammatory for the gut, so it makes sense that cutting it out can have a marked improvement on your overall sense of wellbeing. Same with dairy; although many people aren’t intolerant, with so many delicious alternatives, avoiding it is straight forward these days.

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This one goes out to all my ladies (and gents) living that grain-free life… an overnight porridge recipe that's similar to overnight oats but without the oats. ?? . Hemp hearts (aka hemp seeds), chia seeds, coconut flour and protein powder come together to make a grain-free overnight "oats" recipe that has a similar texture, flavor or prep to reg overnight oats. I can't wait for you to try it! . Recipe is #grainfree #glutenfree #keto #paleo #vegan #pegan #lowcarb and #lowsugar. Linked in my profile, per the usual. . #eatingbirdfood #cleaneats #cleaneatz #healthyliving #healthyrecipes #eatingwell #jerf #iifym #fitfoodie #eatclean #eatcleangetlean

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Eat only low-mercury, low-toxin fish varieties

Sardines, wild-caught salmon and anchovies are great fish choices as they contain the least amount of mercury and boast high omega-3 profiles; a nutrient that is often missing in vegan diets. Opting for these types means you’re able to reap the maximum health benefits available, without the toxicity levels that come with a lot of other fish varieties.

Meats should be consumed sparingly

Much like condiments, meats should be consumed as an addition to a plant-based meal as opposed to the focal point of the dish (unless of course you’re me, and condiments are practically your religion). Servings should sit at around 110 grams per portion, and they should be accompanied by a veritable rainbow of vegetables.

Reckon paleo and vegan’s love child could work for you? Try bio-hacking your way to better health by incorporating the pegan diet into your daily routine.

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