This Paleo Choc Blueberry Cake Is Perfect For The Holiday Season

Free from refined sugar, dairy and gluten!

Paleo Choc Blueberry Cake
Image: Courtesy of iStock

The holiday season is almost upon us, which means endless social gatherings and all the food—and whether you’re the one entertaining or attending as a guest, this paleo choc blueberry cake is the perfect dessert idea. Free from refined sugar, dairy and gluten, it caters to all different dietary requirements and is sure to be a hit at your next event!

RECIPE: Paleo Choc Blueberry Cake

Paleo Choc Blueberry Cake
Image supplied.



1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut
1 cup raw walnuts
¼ raw cacao powder
2 tbs. coconut oil
1 tbs. raw honey (or rice malt syrup)


2 cups raw cashews (soaked overnight, if you don’t it will still work, just won’t be as smooth!)
1 cup coconut milk
1 cup fresh Australian blueberries
1/3 cup coconut oil
1 tbs. raw honey
1 tsp. 100% vanilla extract


1 cup fresh Australian blueberries
¾ cup raw cashews crushed
1 tbs. coconut sugar
1 tbs. ghee or coconut oil
½ a batch of paleo chocolate


1. Line the base of a 20 cm spring form cake tin with baking paper and grease the edges with a little coconut oil.
2. Start with the base: In a food processor (we use our Vitamix), place the walnuts, coconut and raw cacao powder. Whiz these ingredients until a fine meal forms.
3. Add the coconut oil and raw honey and whiz until it becomes a choc butter.
4. Once it’s all combined, press the base in to the cake tin, making sure you press it out evenly, covering the entire base.
5. Place in to the freezer.
6. Now for the filling: Drain and rinse the cashews and place them in to the food processor along with the coconut milk, blueberries, coconut oil, raw honey and vanilla extract.
7. Whiz until completely smooth, this will take around 5 minutes.
8. Take the base out of the freezer and pour the filling on top of the base.
9. Shake the tin to even out the top and place the cake in to the freezer for around 1 ½ hours or until set.
10. Take the cake out of the freezer and let sit for 10 minutes.
11. Meanwhile, time for the toppings! You’ll need to make a ½ batch of paleo chocolate. Place the crushed cashews, coconut sugar and ghee in a medium saucepan on medium heat.
12. Stir continuously until the ghee is melted and the cashews have caramelised. Transfer these on to a plate and allow to cool.
13. Rub the outside of the cake tin with a hot cloth and release the spring form slowly (you may need to run a knife around the edge).

Top the cake with fresh blueberries, caramelised cashews and drizzle with paleo chocolate. Cut in to slices with a hot knife and store any left overs in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer.

Recipe by The Merrymaker Sisters

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