This New Self-Care App Could Help Remind Women to Take Care Of Themselves

As women, we have the tendency to put everyone else’s needs before our own. In fact, before we even realize it, we’re happy to sacrifice our health and well-being to make other people happier. Think of an overworked mom trying to anticipate everyone’s needs all day long, only to never take care of herself when she gets the opportunity.
Despite the fact that “self-care” has become a trending term within the zeitgeist, it’s still pretty challenging for many of us to carve out time to put ourselves first. So of course, there’s now an app for that.
Aloe App is a new self-care app designed to give users gentle reminders to take care of themselves throughout the day. “Since the election, many people have expressed a downslide in their emotional well-being. There has been a noticeable shift in interest surrounding self-care and searches for the term hit a five-year high immediately after November 8th, 2016. […] We shouldn’t wait until everything is awful to take care of ourselves,” reads the app’s Kickstarter page.
Self-Care App
Founder Amber Discko was working on Hilary Clinton’s presidential campaign when she came up with the idea. Sadly. Discko kept noticing friends and colleagues would forget to do basic things, like drink water or take showers or eat full meals. Trying to find a solution, she circulated a list amongst her friends of the best “self-care reminders” she could think of, and had participants add to it. When it was done, she had the skeleton of her app.
Self-Care AppHere’s how it works: You pick one or more self-care reminders, like “Take a social media break,” or “Plan a friend date.” Aloe automatically adds these reminders into a calendar and sends you alerts when it’s time to do them. It’s a simple idea, but could be powerful for those who need a little extra help taking care of themselves.
Like what you see? You can support the app on Kickstarter over the next seven days. 
Self-care doesn’t have to take long. If you’ve only got five minutes, try one of these activities.

Deep Sleep Support

Magnesium Breakthrough

Want to fall asleep faster and all through the night?


3X The Value Of Food


Want to absorb ALL the valuable nutrients from your food?

Improve Your Digestion

Good Bacteria Support


Want to protect your body from bad bacteria that’s causing bloating?


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