Must-try: Jamaican jerk chicken with rice and beans

If you want to know the secret behind the Jamaican sprint team then look no further than this classic Jamaican dish. Charged with the power of beans, this chicken dish contains a powerhouse of nutrients including antioxidants, vitamins and minerals such as copper, folate, iron, magnesium and zinc, which can help lower cholesterol, boost fibre and so much more. Perfect as a post workout dinner or weekend lunch, this recipe will not disappoint.

Jerk Chicken with Rice & Beans by The Cook’s Grocer

30 minutes.

Serves 2.
Sugar free. Dairy free. Gluten free.

 The Cook's Grocer, jerk chicken recipe



2 x 180gm free range chicken skin breasts

jerk rub (premix):

1 teaspoon allspice, 1/2 teaspoon chilli powder, 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger,

1 teaspoon dried thyme, 1 teaspoon smokey paprika, a inch of salt & pepper

1/2 cup long grain rice

400g tin 3 or 5 bean mix

2 celery stalks

2 spring onions

2 sprigs coriander

1 lime


Start by grouping and preparing your ingredients into each of the components of the dish. Rinse vegetables and herbs.

1. Cook rice & chicken

Using absorption method, cook rice. Place the rice in a small saucepan with 1 cup of cold water. Bring to the boil until liquid is completely absorbed. Cover pot, remove from heat and set aside for minimum of 15 minutes.
In a bowl combine chicken with jerk rub (reserve a generous pinch for the beans) and olive oil. Mix well and leave to marinate for 10 minutes.
To cook the chicken, heat a BBQ, griddle or fry pan to a medium-high heat. Cook chicken for 8-10 minutes, turning every 2 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside to rest.

2. Make salad

In a bowl combine beans (rinsed and drained), finely sliced spring onions, finely diced celery and roughly chopped coriander. Squeeze over juice of the lime, a drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of the jerk rub. Mix well. Next add rice, salt and pepper to taste. Combine.

To serve

Serve hot with bean salad.

Special Offer. Get a FREE MEAL for 2 from The Cook’s Grocer. Enter the code SPORTELUXE at their online checkout to get one meal free. Valued at $29.

The Cook’s Grocer is about great cooking made easy. They produce a weekly menu of healthy ready to cook meals containing the finest locally sourced ingredients and simple to follow recipes, all designed to be to cooked in 30 minutes.
They partner with Sydney’s leading nutritionists, chefs, personal trainers and foodies to develop recipes that will inspire you in the kitchen, without the fuss of planning and shopping. They deliver these fantastic meals Sydney wide three times a week. Each meal is hand packed and measured to exact portions ensuring the highest quality and no waste.

To see what is on the menu this week visit

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