Minimalism Not For You? Here’s How To Inject Some Maximalism Into Your Home

Minimalism Not For You? Here’s How To Inject Some Maximalism Into Your Home

Maximalist interior design.
Photo by Flaunter .com on Unsplash

Failing to understand the on-trend penchant for sleek white walls and understated pops of rose-gold that characterises interior design right now? Craving some clashing colours and more character throughout your home? Do your emotions tend to govern your design-impulses? Well, girlfriend, you might just be a maximalist.

The maximalism movement unapologetically propagates a “more is more” attitude, which is perfect for people who are sick to the back teeth of Marie Kondo telling them to chuck out all of your belongings in favour of a more streamlined existence. Here’s how to incorporate 2018’s most up-and-coming design trend throughout your home:

Be a curator of clutter

In the spirit of a fair trial, it should be noted that Marie Kondo makes some good points. While you don’t have to streamline your possessions to the point of excess, you should only keep things that bring you joy. But, if that happens to be thirty cat figurines and a brimming collection of thimbles—then let the minutes show that maximalism supports you.

Maximalism is designed to allow you to draw upon things that you truly love to inspire the space around you. It doesn’t dictate rules that force you to restrict the number of things that you’re permitted to love—it simply allows you to embrace all of those things without limit.

Styling these pearls of memory, curiosity, and joy is key to making them work in your home. Opt for ‘open shelves’ to create the perfect #shelfie and allow you a greater sense of control over how your possessions are displayed—all whilst regaining floorspace which can be used for houseplants in beautifully finished pots.

Create an eclectic balance

We’re talking colours, fabrics, textures, and materials here. Welcoming a mixture of these into the design of your home is where true maximalism lies, as it allows you to create an eclectic balance that doesn’t become stale or repetitive.

Cast aside everything you thought you knew about making your room ‘flow’ with the use of similar materials and finishes, and have fun with it! Combine wood flooring with a sleek marble coffee table, Persian rug, leather couch and a plush mixture of knitted and velvet soft furnishings. Eschew purpose-bought coffee table books in favour of trinkets that tell a personal tale, and consider yourself maximalising to the, well, max.

Pick a bold base

‘Cause life’s too short for plain white walls, sister.

Photo by Liana Mikah on Unsplash

Find a bold paint colour, interesting tile design, eccentric wallpaper, quirky carpet or a unique wood stain that can act as a solid design foundation for the room. Because maximalist design principles are rooted in casting off the shackles of supposed ‘rules’ and surrounding yourself with things that truly speak to your personality— as long as you love it, there really are no other principles to follow. Once you’ve got the base, you can simply add to it as you go through life as opposed to trying to design an entire room in one fell swoop.

Display the sh*t out of your stuff

That’s right! No longer does the antique vase that you love but doesn’t ‘work’ within the constraints of your minimalist lounge room have to hide in the attic. Displaying your belongings in an imaginative, artful way is your ticket to creating a completely personal haven that truly showcases your personal style and eye for design. Style shelves with an eclectic mix of paperback books unearthed travel trinkets and personal mementos that will prompt conversations with guests and, more importantly, bring you a whole heap of joy every single time you look at them.

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