Image: Feeh Costa via Unsplash

This Is Why Millennials Are Quitting Their Jobs Post-Pandemic

The slow down in life has caused them to rethink some of their choices.

There’s something to be said about the way the pandemic has changed each and every one of our lives. While many have suffered immense loss, in every sense of the word, the economic impact on those that have been able to keep their jobs has boosted the wealth of many millennials around the country. They’ve been able to save on rent (if they’ve come back home to their parents or moved to a cheaper city or home) in a time when the economy has made it extremely difficult to buy a home. Stopping spending on vacation, travel, their commute, and recreational activity has also caused somewhat of a boom in their wallet as well. They’ve also realized what’s important in life.

With the pressure put on this generation to excel and break barriers, the slow down in life has caused them to rethink some of their choices. We dive into the trends we’re seeing with millennials in the post-pandemic economy below. Keep reading for more!

Image: Gabriel Silverio via Unsplash

Why Millennials Are Quitting Their Jobs Post-Pandemic

What’s happening for those of us fortunate enough to keep our jobs and save on expenses is a boost to our bank accounts. According to the New York Times, we’re “burned out and flushed with savings” and we’re finding out that what one of our musical favorites, Drake, said a long time ago still rings true today. You only live once was that motto, and with the pandemic starting to go into the rearview, we’re seeing that the most important things in life are in front of us now. Whether that be friends, family, or spending more time with our partners.

The things we did during the pandemic like cooking and watching movies are the simple things we enjoy most now. While a huge migration from big cities happened, some are finding more fun in smaller towns with less of a population where they can have space and really enjoy themselves.

Image: Jasmine Chew via Unsplash

What Career Paths Are Millennials Taking?

According to the New York Times, many are beginning on the path to freelancing as a career choice they’re taking instead of the usual 9 to 5. On top of this, there’s also a push to have a second side hustle with all of the free time that we have on our hands. Some are using this time to take bonus pay or saved vacation time for some much-needed time off. Whatever the case may be, it looks like the way we look at work will change exponentially in the next decade or so.

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