Not tOo long ago, we shared a few things you can start doing from now to work on your summer bod. And although we are very well aware we haven’t even hit spring yet here in Aus, it is only just around the corner—and we like the idea of getting a head start.
To help us out, personal trainer Lauren Vickers (who also happens to be a model and founder of eco-friendly activewear brand, Paco Loves Luna) shares here the ultimate total body workout that specifically targets your be-hind to help get it nice and peachy for the summer days ahead.
Booty Burn Workout
To start: Go slow in the first set, concentrating on your form. Keep your core and pelvic floor engaged, and work on your alignment. Use your out-breath to help push through the effort phase of each movement.
One full set is all 6 exercises, with no rest in between exercises.
Do 4-5 sets, and at the end of each set take a 60-second break.
20 Inch worms with reverse lunges
Start standing and fold forward until your hands are on the ground. Walk them out until you’re in a plank position. Hold for a few seconds and then work your way back to the starting position. Step one leg back and slowly lower into a lunge, squeeze your glutes as you come back up. That’s one rep, do 10 each side.
20 Lateral strides
20 Squats with front kicks

20 Reverse toe touches
Hop down on all fours and extend one leg straight back, flexing the foot. Using your glutes, raise the back leg a few inches without arching your back and touch your toes to the ground either side of your other leg 10 times. Repeat 10 more times on the other side.
20 Spiderman lunges
20 Frog squats