Whoever Said Porridge Was Bland Never Tasted Jessica Sepel's

Cacao, meet peanut butter.

Jessicas Seele Cacao and Peanut Butter Porridge
Image: Jessica Sepel

Peanut butter gets around. We’ve seen it with jam, snuggled up to banana and now, it’s mixing with cacao in this velvety porridge. But boy it’s a good pair.

Winter is a time to warm up your body with nutrient dense bowls and this is the best way to do just that! Not to mention, it’s perfectly decadent and entirely healthy! Peanut butter cravings, satisfied!
– Jessica Sepel

Whoever said porridge was bland, clearly never stuck a spoon into this. It’s smooth, creamy and will keep you going all day. You’ve done it again, Jess.

Cacao & Peanut Butter Porridge 

Serves 1


1/2 cup organic or gluten-free oats
1 cup liquid (I like to use 1/2 cup almond milk, 1/2 filtered water)
1 tsp cinnamon
1-2 tsp cacao powder
Sprinkle of sea salt
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 banana, 1 tbsp chopped nuts and a piece of dark chocolate (75-85% cacao, optional) to decorate


  1. Combine the oats and liquid in a saucepan and bring to the boil over high heat. Add cinnamon, cacao powder and a sprinkle of sea salt and stir.
  2. Reduce the heat to medium and simmer, covered for 10-12 minutes or until the oats are soft.
  3. Spoon the oats into a bowl and top with peanut butter, banana, nuts and dark chocolate, if using.
Looking for other breakfast ideas? Try Rachael Finch’s crepes, Lola Berry’s vegan scramble or these dietitian-approved recipes that’ll keep you full until lunch.

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