How To Declutter Your Social Media Network—Without Offending Anyone

It's easier than you think.

social media, declutter, Instagram, Facebook, Selfie
Image: Jake Rosenberg via

Is it just me, or do you waste hours on social media before you even realise you’re doing it? Unsurprisingly, recent reports say that we spend up to nine hours a day on social media. Sure, it can be an awesome way to keep in touch with family and friends. But more often than not, we’re scrolling endlessly through posts of acquaintances we hardly know and people we don’t really like. That’s why there’s no time like the present for a social media spring clean. Keep scrolling to find out where to start.

How To Do A Social Media Declutter

Schedule a time

Your goal is to have a few hours of uninterrupted decluttering time. Yes, that means no Netflix in the background. Trust me, if you want this to be effective, your undivided attention is crucial.

Remove toxic friends

Unfriending someone on social media can be a tricky and sometimes awkward situation. On one hand, you really don’t care what so-and-so is posting. But on the other, you don’t want to screw up your relationship IRL. At the end of the day, if you haven’t seen them in years (and that doesn’t bother you), or they’re not bringing anything positive, insightful or fun to your life, it could be time to unfriend.

If you don’t want to unfriend, unfollow

We all have that one friend who posts endless jealousy-inducing travel snaps and another friend who keeps everyone up to date on their politic views. You don’t want to unfriend them; you just don’t want to see their stuff all the time. We get it. Fortunately, Facebook and Twitter both have unfollow options. You can still visit one another’s full profiles, but they’re posts just won’t show up in your feed. The best part? He or she will have no idea you’ve done this, so no one’s feelings will get hurt (win!). However, if you do change your mind, you can head back to that person’s profile and switch back to default at any time.

Update your own profile

If you haven’t updated your profiles in yonks, maybe it’s time for a quick spruce. Take time to upload an appropriate profile picture to each of your social media platforms and delete any old photos that may not be appropriate (after all, employees often check your online presence). At the same time, you don’t want to look like a robot! Be sure to express your interests, hobbies and opinions.

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