5 Ways To Incorporate The Benefits Of Hemp Into Your Daily Life

From moisturisers to salad toppers, here's how to get a dose of the good stuff.

Hemp seeds

Holy hemp! The often misunderstood plant has come storming into the mainstream in the past year, since it was legalised for consumption in Australia in 2017. Need a refresh on the benefits?

Well, hemp is one of very few plant foods that contain all essential amino acids—making it a complete protein. Hemp also contains zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese that are all required for the body to function properly, alongside the perfect balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fatty acids, which makes it a brain food with clout.

Thanks to its ever-growing popularity, hemp is now more accessible than ever. And, it’s sneaking its way into beauty products just as much as foodie options. Here are the best ways to incorporate this superfood into your daily regime:

1. Satvia Skincare

Image: Instagram | satvia_skincare

Yup, hemp skincare! Satvia’s hemp range provides the skin with the optimum balance of Omega 3 and 6 essential fatty acids plus GLA, Vitamin E and Behenic Acid which is deeply hydrating and helps skin maintain even colour.

The brand’s Purify Hemp Cleanser, Rejuvenate Serum and Replenish Hemp Moisturiser are a trio-made-in-heaven and suitable for all skin types. The serum deserves particular attention, thanks to its star-studded ingredient line-up; including lavender oil, rosehip oil, aloe vera and of course, certified organic hemp seed oil.

Shop here.

2. Bulk Nutrients Hemp Protein

Image: bulknutrients.com.au

If you’re an avid protein lover and haven’t tried a hemp blend in your smoothies yet, Bulk Nutrients is where you should start. Hemp Protein is one of the best natural sources of plant protein available—completely free from dairy and lactose, vegan-friendly and a great addition to any healthy diet.

The protein has a slightly nutty/earthy taste which tastes great when added to baked treats and smoothies.

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3. Sagely Naturals

Image: Instagram | sagelynaturals

The brand’s Relief + Recovery range is designed as a natural approach to pain and inflammation. It comprises CBD and turmeric capsules, menthol and CBD-packed cream, recovery spray and a headache roll-on; all designed to enable you to embrace the natural healing properties of hemp, as opposed to turning to conventional pain medication.

Sagely’s Tranquility collection helps you to address stress and anxiety the way nature intended. Consisting of calming capsules with CBD, ashwagahdha and lavender oil alongside an essential oil roll-on and cream, the range empowers its users to harness the calming, anti-anxiety benefits of hemp. *Only available in the US.

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4. Organic Hulled Hemp Seeds

Image: hempfoods.com.au

Takin’ it back to basics, these whole hemp seeds will make a fantastic addition to any diet. Alongside regulating metabolism, helping brain function, maintaining bone health and stimulating skin and hair growth, they’re also a natural appetite suppressant—which means that adding hemp seed to your meals can reduce your food cravings and help you feel full longer.

They have a mild, nutty flavour and are ready to use raw or in low heat cooking. The seeds can be sprinkled on hot cereal, yogurt or salads, added to shakes and smoothies, or added to breads, pancakes, granola bars and other baked desserts.

Shop here.

5. Pimp My Salad Hemp Parmesan

Image: extraordinaryfoods.com.au

No but seriously, what will they think of next? This ingenious creation is made from nothing more than Australian certified organic hemp, sunflower seeds, spices and a hint of rosemary and thyme.

If you wanted its full resumé, Parmesan Hemp is vegan, gluten free, dairy free, paleo and raw. It’s the perfect topper to all of your favourite meals; veggies, salad, pizza, pasta, beans, grains, and everything in between.

Shop here.

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