Goop Just Launched Its First Flagship Store And Print Magazine

Images: Instagram (left) @_hannakim_ (right) @goop

If you told someone in 2007 that one day, Donald Trump would be president of the US, Kim Kardashian (from that video) would be the world’s biggest celeb and Gwyneth Paltrow would run a huge wellness publishing empire called Goop, they’d look at you like you were crazy. Yet here we are — it’s 2017 and all of those things are true. What a time to be alive!
Say what you will about Goop, here’s no denying it’s come a long way since Gwyneth started the website from her dining room table back in 2008. It’s transformed from a blog into a bona fide lifestyle brand, boasting more than 600K followers on Instagram alone. Now, the empire is about to scale even greater heights, launching its first permanent store in LA and quarterly print magazine.
Goop has set up shop inside Brentwood Country Mart, a shopping centre housing everything from artisanal restaurants to high-end shopping. The mall has personal significance for Gwyneth, having been a part of her life since she was a child. The Goop Lab itself is gorgeous, outfitted in country modern style by Gwyn’s personal interior designers.

“We see the store as an extension of Goop HQ,” Gwyneth told Architectural Digest. “You’ll see our food editor cooking in the kitchen at events or our beauty buyers trying out the in-store beauty services.”
Because Gwyn is never one to do just one thing, the premiere issue of Goop’s quarterly magazine also hit shelves last month. Naturally, the cover features Gwyn naked, covered in literal goop.

The Premiere Issue of goop Magazine—released quarterly—unpacks healing modalities, clean beauty (makeup-bag detox included), and easy, nutrient-dense recipes. Inside, find deep-dives into crystals and mud masks, reiki and bee-venom treatments—in addition to a candid conversation with goop CEO, Gwyneth Paltrow. Plus, some useful takeaways: a do-anywhere Tracy Anderson workout, fall fashion recap, and a how-to for having better orgasms.
-via Goop

Printed by Conde Naste, the magazine will be sold internationally — so you can get your hands on the goopy goodness no matter where you are in the world. You can find out more about Goop here.

Goop Lab

Address: Brentwood Country Mart, 225 26th Street, Ste 37 Santa Monica, CA 90402
Phone: 310-260-4072
Open Mon – Sat. 10am – 6pm, Sun. 11am – 6pm

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