Live Out Your Childhood Dream At The Australian Ballet's New Drop-In Classes

There's yoga and pilates, too!


Hands up if you had grand dreams of becoming a professional ballerina when you were young? Us too. It’s not hard to see what the allure to ballet is for little girls — ballerinas are poised, graceful and get to wear pink tutus! But for the vast majority of us, it remains a childhood dream left at a few years (or terms) of ballet classes. Then, we become adults and daydream about the stellar dance career we could have had if we stuck at it!
While you’re probably not going to be offered a starring role in the Nutcracker if you resume ballet in your 20s or 30s, the good news is—it’s never too late to start again. And thanks to new drop-in classes at The Australian Ballet, you can now learn from the best!

While the prestigious ballet company was previously only open to trained dancers, they now offer classes for all experience levels. The classes are held by professional dancers from the company, so you really are in good hands! If you’re more into planking than pirouettes, you’re in luck, too. As well as various types of ballet classes, the timetable includes yoga, pilates, Broadway and contemporary.
Want to try out a few different styles? No problems! The classes are held on a purely casual basis at $15 each—so there’s no contracts or term dates. All you do is book on the website, turn up and get your groove on! You can also take your first week of classes for free, thanks to an intro offer.

The classes run from Monday to Friday all year long at the the Primrose Potter Australian Ballet Centre, 2 Kavanagh Street, Southbank in Melbourne. To find out more or book a class, visit
Not based in Melbourne? Check out this article for our recommendations on some of the best dance classes around Australia.

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