Fitness Citizen Profile: Claire Falconer

The Dubai-based PT and health and nutrition consultant dishes on what keeps her feeling healthy, happy and inspired.

Claire Falconer, personal trainer, Dubai, Melbourne

With her toned limbs and luminous complexion, personal trainer and health and nutrition consultant, Claire Falconer is the picture of health. While the foodie, health, wellness and fitness fanatic was born and raised in Melbourne, she is now living and working in Dubai.
Here, she dishes on what keeps her feeling healthy, happy and inspired. Not to mention, her favourite workout tights and go-to cafe.

Getting To Know You

Born: Melbourne, Australia.
Lives: Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Known for: Adventurous, sun worshiper, fun, free, passionate, and motivated by living a happy and healthy lifestyle.
Personal motto: Live wild, be free and create happiness.
Success is: Sounds cheesy but for me success is happiness, however or whatever makes you happy – that is success.
Advice I would give me 20yr old self: Don’t sweat it – don’t worry about the money that will come, don’t worry about the boys that will come, don’t worry about the petty fights with friends that will fade. Travel, see the world, emerge yourself in new and adventurous cultures and be true to yourself.
I’m inspired by: Nature, the outdoors and the sea. It’s where my mind is the clearest and where I am able to take a step back and look at situations from new angles.
The biggest risk I have taken (that has paid off) is: I moved to Dubai when I was just 22 years old. I moved without a job, without money, and without a plan. Seven years later and I’m still here running my own personal training business and travelling the world.
From my mistakes, I have learnt: Nothing is a mistake. It’s all a learning curve. The only way to move on from mistakes is to learn from it and embrace it, be reflective on it.
My most used emoji is: Love heart, peace symbol or the sticky out tongue dude.

Out And About

Wake up time: 5am.
Morning ritual: Probiotics, lemon and hot water, quick brekky, then out the door.
Desk lunch: Pretty boring but everyday is generally the same; a huge chicken salad packed full of greens and veggies. Most of the time it’s ordered as I’m always running from on place to the next.
Last thing I do at night: Take my magnesium and chuck on my eye mask. Three seconds later, lights out.
Guilty pleasure: Chocolate, chocolate and more chocolate.
3 things vital to my day: My workout, sunshine and food…don’t approach me when I’m hungry – it’s an actual emotion btw 😉
Cafe: Comptoir 102.
Juice: Avocado, kale, lemon, lime, cucumber and ginger.
Coffee: Double espresso.
Culture stop: Bastakiya area, Dubai.


Tights: Dharma Bums.
Sports bra: Dharma Bums.
Sports bag: I usually use a tote bag. Pretty boring, but oh so practical.
Watch: RipCurl.
Juice date go-to outfit: haha umm leggings, sports bra and boyfriend tee with thongs. Or if I’m feeling dressy I’ll chuck on a pair of denim cut-offs with a loose singlet.
Store: Anything Australian, I miss my Aussie stores so much!

Culture and Tech

App: TripAdvisor and Skyscanner (on the constant look out for new places to go and see).
Website: Weather2Travel (find out where to travel and when) or Nine News  – I love to stay in touch with home.
Binge watch: Vikings.
Instagram stalk: @wildwoodme (secretly perving on my boyfriend)
Album love: Ben Howard or Xavier Rudd are my go-to’s.

Logging On


Instagram: @clairefalconner__ (yes, that’s two underscores!)

Facebook: Claire Falconer 

Snap: clairefalconer8 (the 8 for no other reason than claire 1-7 were already taken).


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