Feeling Stressed? Try These 5 Indoor Plants

We're talking lean, green and serene.

Indoor plants
Image via: maisondecormag.com

If you’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, and sitting still is somewhere on your to-do list between meditating and a tropical vacation (i.e not happening anytime soon), then here’s a little trick to help ease some of that tension: indoor plants.
According to Refinery29, potted plants have been proven to help people feel less stressed and more attentive.
So green thumb or not (hey, we’ve all had our failed attempt a plant alive…right?), we’ve picked out a few can’t-die-won’t-die plants that’ll liven up the room and give you a mini holiday with every inhale and exhale.

5 indoor plants to help you relax:

Air Plants

indoor plant reduce stress air plant DIY
image via https://www.homeyohmy.com

Air plants are a fun and innovative way to introduce plants as a decorative feature in your home. The best part? No soil is needed – win! You can even D.I.Y or take a workshop to learn how to pot the plant in a bulb terrarium. Aside from being a fresh way to introduce plants into the room, it can be a project to try with friends… so what are you waiting for? Let the fun begin!

Tall Cacti

indoor plant, reduce stress, tall cactus
image via Pinterest // heeverygirl.com

As the grown up version of your miniature window sill cactus, these babies grow tall and add an understated elegance to the room.

Philodendron Pl

Indoor plants
Image via: maisondecormag.com


indoor plants philodendron decoration reduce stress
image via Pinterest // B E N T H O M A S

It really is no secret that palm tree prints have been seen everywhere this year, from bikinis to yoga mats, and now they’re set to make a real life appearance in your abode. We guarantee this tropical addition will have you on island time, all the time.

Money Tree


indoor plant money tree reduce stress
Image Via Pinterest // jrflowers.com

This cute bonsai-like tree plant is a perfect addition to your desk. Despite it not being true to its name, we like to think this little guy brings us other forms of wealth, of the more healthy, air-purifying, day brightening type. It’s also the easiest to maintain, you only have to water it once a week if not less. And that, is priceless.


indoor plants bamboo reduce stress
image via Pinterest // Rodika Tchi | Feng Shui

Keeping your Feng Shui game on point is the lucky bamboo tree. Requiring just some water and maybe a few pebbles for good measure, this no-fuss plant is perfect for your home or office. It requires very little light and is super peaceful to look at, what more could you want?

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