Meet Australia's #1 Female Winter Athlete, Danielle Scott

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Danielle Scott, aerial skier, Fitness Citizen Profile

Living out of a suitcase may sound like your own personal nightmare, but it seems to be working for aerial skier and winter Olympian, Danielle Scott. After all, Scott is ranked as Australia’s top female winter athlete and world number two Freestyle Aerial Skier.
So, when we got the chance to chat with her, naturally our conversation gravitated towards all things wellness and fitness. Luckily, Scott was more than happy to oblige, divulging her morning routine, guilty pleasures, and must-have active wear pieces.

Getting To Know You

Born: Sydney, Australia.
Lives: Out of a suitcase – child of the universe!
Known for: Wearing thongs/flip flops in the snow.
Personal motto: Do what makes you happy.
Success is: Being brave enough to accept challenges and conquering them.
Advice I would give my 20 yr. old self: Don’t waste so much time wishing for what you don’t have. Embrace what you do have.
People are surprised that I: Am a summer girl at heart.
I’m inspired by: Bethany Hamilton.
The biggest risk I have taken (that has paid off) is: Finishing school and becoming a professional skier.
From my mistakes, I have learnt: That learning the hard way is sometimes the only way.
My most used emoji is: Cheeky monkey.

Out And About

Wake up time: Very dependent on training.
Morning ritual: Big breakie.
Desk lunch: Vegemite, cheese and crackers.
Last thing I do at night: Fill up my humidifier.
Guilty pleasure: Dark chocolate.
3 things vital to my day: Sunshine, music and a camera.
Cafe: Ritual Chocolate Café Park City, Utah.
Juice: Blood orange.
Coffee: Iced.


Sports top: Under Armour Mock.
Sports pants/tights: Under Armour Favourite Split Word Mark Legging.
Shoes: Under Armour Apollo 2 Running.
Sunglasses: Oakley.
Watch: Garmin Forerunner 235.
Store: Surf Dive ‘n’ Ski.
New season must-have: GoPro HERO5.

Culture And Tech

App: SurfStitch Surf Check.
Binge watch: YouTube nonsense!
Instagram stalk: Rihanna.
Album love: Halsey – Badlands.

Logging On

Instagram: DanielleScottSki
Snap: DaniDanSki

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