NEWSFLASH: ClassPass’ New Partnership Just Made Working Out Even Easier

If you’re a devoted ClassPass user who relies on their spin, yoga, or pilates classes every month, but sometimes just craves a gym workout session where you can travel from the elliptical to the treadmill, and even hit up the free weights section, the latest news will change your life. 

ClassPass has partnered with Blink Fitness to give its users access to nearly 60 different Blink Fitness gyms throughout New York City and New Jersey. That means, you can hit up FlyWheel on Monday, Barry’s Bootcamp on Tuesday, and head to Blink Fitness on Wednesday to get your trifecta of workouts.

“Many boutique fitness consumers are looking to supplement their favorite group fitness workouts with a high quality gym membership to achieve a more balanced exercise routine,” said Todd Magazine, President of Blink Fitness. “Blink’s partnership with ClassPass makes this simple. It’s a first-of-its-kind partnership that will expand our unique Mood Above Muscle™ fitness philosophy to a completely new audience.” 

Starting now, you will be able to supplement the 5- and 10-class memberships (which go for US$75 and US$135 per month, respectively) with a US$15 monthly add-on that’ll give you access to all of the Blink Fitness locations available in the program.

Stand upsidedown? Yogatta be kidding me. Studio: @flowlab_yoga

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“At ClassPass we’re always exploring ways to connect our members to a broader range of fitness activities that align with their varied needs and goals,” said Fritz Lanman, CEO of ClassPass, who replaced co-founder Payal Kadakia earlier this year. “Partnering with a brand like Blink is a win for those who enjoy the gym experience but are also looking for a diversity of class options, or for current ClassPass members looking to supplement their existing routine with additional flexibility.”
The best part? You no longer have to choose between ClassPass and your own single-gym membership. Best believe we’re going for both!

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