What Are Angel Numbers?

What Do the Numbers Mean?
One is all about manifestation. Are you seeing this? It might mean that your angels or spirit guides are noticing your hard work and growth. They’re helping this manifestation come true.
A reminder to live in the moment and enjoy yourself completely and fully. You are doing everything correctly.
This might be that you are feeling a little on edge, unbalanced, or not working towards what you want. It’s a reminder to do so.
The number four is an indicator that your prayers and your speaking to the universe are heard and understood. You are being protected and listened to, 100%.
This symbol is all about change. Although it might be scary at the moment, it is not necessarily a negative thing.
The symbol six is a sign that you might not be doing everything correctly. It’s a call to take responsibility for your actions and look through what you could be doing wrong.
This is an indicator that your anxieties and fears are not in your control. You need to embrace them and let go and surrender control. You will feel more at peace when you do so.
Gratitude, baby! You’re doing everything correctly and your angels are giving you a pat on the back for being so grateful for their energy.
A fun one! The number nine is an indicator that you have good news coming to you soon. It could also mean that your current goals are coming to an end and it’s time to start a new cycle of learning and growth.