Um, This Is How Much It Takes To Burn Off One Chocolate Easter Egg

Fitness expert Sam Wood has some tips for bouncing back after a binge.

chocolate easter egg

Look, we usually hate being the bearer of bad news, but in the name of good health, we thought this might be something you’d like to be aware of. Did you know that it takes…

  • 20 minutes of HIIT to burn off one little mini Cadbury Creme Egg (And let’s be real who ever stops at just one)
  • 1 hour of spin to burn off your favourite Lindt Milk Chocolate Gold Bunny (Ps. How good are they?)
  • A bloody MARATHON to burn off a large Haigh’s Milk Chocolate Egg (What the actual f*ck)

Wowza. If that’s not going to make us think twice before eating half our body weight in chocolate this Easter, we don’t know what will! But in saying that, we’re all human, and it is Easter, which means we’ll be eating all the chocolate eggs (and trying to ignore the “fun” facts).
chocolate easter egg
“I think I speak for everyone when I say that the Easter break goes hand in hand with overindulging,” says Fitness Expert and Personal Trainer, Sam Wood. “Endless choccies, warm hot cross buns, long dinners with family and friends over a few wines and beer. It really is the best time of year and a time I always tell my clients they should absolutely let themselves enjoy.”
“The good news is that when we’ve been a bit naughty over Easter, it can actually act as the perfect catalyst and much needed kick in the pants to be more conscious about our health, and of course, burn off all of those choccie eggs.”
Well put, Sam. Totally agree. Love what you did there.
Here are his top tips to help you bounce back from the binge if (you too) go a little overboard this Easter long weekend:

1. Forgive and forget

The best thing you can do after a period of overeating is not beat yourself up. Remember that you’re only human and a few days of indulging isn’t going to ruin all your hard work. It certainly also shouldn’t be incentive for you to throw in the towel on your previously healthy routine either, so chin up!

2. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

This is a massive one, especially for those of you who might go a bit too hard on the Rosé this Easter (join the club). Make sure you’re having about 8 glasses of water a day and ditch the fizzy drinks and booze for a week. Why not ‘eat’ your water too by eating healthy foods high in water content like watermelon, strawberries, cucumber and capsicum.

3. Get moving

Set a time to jump back into your routine once the holiday is over and make sure you stick to it. Trust me, it’ll feel amazing to get moving again and sweat out all the toxins and sugar. Getting moving again will also give you more energy if you’ve been feeling particularly sluggish after a choccie overload.

4. Keep it real

Pack your meals with ‘real’ fresh ingredients and try to ditch the refined sugar. Think about including as many vegetables as you can into each meal (yep, even breaky), and opt for quality protein, good fats like avocado and nuts and whole food carbohydrates like brown rice.

5. Don’t skip your meals

The worst thing you can do after a period of over indulging is starve yourself. This can be a trap for another overeating episode and should absolutely be avoided. Don’t punish yourself, instead stick to your usual number of meals a day and have healthy foods that will keep you fuller for longer. Think about ingredients like eggs, nuts, fish and meat to promote satiety and keep your mind from wandering into the dangerous territory of Easter egg snacking.

6. Make healthy sweet swaps

The tricky part about going to town on chocolate over Easter is that it can ignite the sweet tooth in any of us and can really get your sugar cravings going even once the overeating is over. My advice is once the weekend is over, throw out any extra chocolate that’s still lying round the house. Out of sight, out of mind! Instead, fulfil your sweet cravings with healthy alternatives like a banana with your favourite nut butter or give my You Beaut Bounty Bar a go.

7. Step away from the scales

Weighing yourself post-binge can be enough to bring you down and can be totally destructive. Just focus on getting back into your usual healthy routine and stay away from the scales for at least a week until you’re feeling a bit more like yourself.
For more scary facts helpful tips, visit!

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