New Evidence Shows The Sugar Industry Hid These Scary Findings 50 Years Ago

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You might be doing everything right: exercising for the recommended number of minutes per week, maintaining balance in your diet, taking care of your body when it needs extra nurturing. But if the plan is to stay disease-free or to minimize your risk of developing certain diseases, the nutritional side of health plays a very big part. And one of its biggest culprits? Sugar.
For years now, we’ve known the dangers of sugar. While natural sugars — present in fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, milk, cheese and many other food sources — are an important part of your nutritional intake and come with other necessary benefits, it’s the fake, refined and processed sugar that really does a number on our health.
It damages your metabolism, making it harder for your body to process other foods, heightens your cholesterol, can increase your chances of developing blood clots and puts you at a higher risk for heart disease.
On top of that, artificial sweeteners have been linked to a greater chance of long-term weight gain and are responsible for a higher risk of diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.
But while recent research has really proven added sugars are truly an unnecessary — and harmful — part of the modern diet, it’s not completely new news. In fact, it was first reported 50 years ago.
And if you’re surprised you didn’t hear about it, it’s because it was subtly hidden from the world.
A new study published in the journal PLOS Biology has shown that the Sugar Association and sugar lobbyists have kept multiple studies about sugar’s link to heart disease and cancer far away from the public eye.
The study shows that two different studies in the 1960s (known then as Project 259) were funded by the sugar lobby but were not published when data revealed that rats that were fed high amounts of sugar were at greater risk for strokes, heart attacks, heart disease, and even bladder cancer.
When the results were completed, the Sugar Research Foundation decided to scrap the entire project and the study never saw the light of day, which the new study’s authors simply call a “manipulation of science.”
While the new evidence stacks up pretty highly against the sugar lobby, the Sugar Association has continued to deny the allegations, calling the study “a collection of speculations and assumptions about events that happened nearly five decades ago, conducted by a group of researchers and funded by individuals and organisations that are known critics of the sugar industry.”
They go on to say:
“We reviewed our research archives and found documentation that the study in question ended for three reasons, none of which involved potential research findings: the study was significantly delayed; it was consequently over budget, and the delay overlapped with an organisational restructuring,” they continue, according to Business Insider.
Which leads us to question: was it all in the name of science or just marketing?
Luckily, there are ways to eliminate — or reduce — added sugars in your daily diet. Use these 11 tips to fight sugar cravings for good, and find out how one nutritionist banished her sugar cravings, for good.

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