Now Is The Best Time To Start A Career In The Health And Wellness Industry. Here's Why.

A job you love, a job that gives back or a job that pays the bills?
It’s a question we’re all faced with at some point in our lives. And as much as we like to believe we’d follow our heart and do something fulfilling, the truth is, we’re not always sure what will make us happier in the long run
But a new report into the growth of industries globally shows that you no longer have to pick one or the other. According to the study, the global wellness industry is on the rise, big time, and many people are finding jobs they not only love and feel good about doing but that pay well, too.
The wellness industry is currently worth $3.7 trillion, up from $3.4 trillion in 2013 when it took over from the pharmaceutical industry. This makes it one of the world’s fastest growing industries and reflects a shift in the worldwide perspective on health. While wellness was once considered a luxury, it’s now a necessity that’s being infused into every aspect of our daily lives—from how we sleep to the way we work and travel.
It’s clear that wellness isn’t just a ‘trend’—it’s a highly profitable industry that’s not going anywhere anytime soon. So, in terms of job stability, it’s one of the best places to be! And with the average nutritionist in Australia bringing in $86,832 per year according to SEEK, it’s not too bad for the ol’ bank account, either. Then, there’s the rewarding factor. In being part of the wellness industry, you’re directly contributing to the health and happiness of current and future generations.
Global Wellness Economy StatisticsSo, if you’re a health nut who genuinely loves helping people, a career in the wellness industry may be your calling. While there are a few different ways to enter the industry, the best way to kickstart your career is with a degree. Not only will your studies equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to make your mark on the wellness world, it’ll give you credibility and an edge over the competition.
Okay, so how do you even go about getting qualified? Luckily, we’re spoiled for choice when it comes to high-quality health and wellness education here in Australia. If Instagramming snaps of your healthy meals is your number one hobby, the Bachelor of Nutrition at Torrens University Australia may be for you. In the fully online course, you’ll learn about everything from anatomy, physiology and biochemistry to nutritional policy, diet and disease. You can find out more about enrolling at Torrens University online or by visiting their Open Day in August.
If nutrition is your jam but you prefer to learn in person, you may want to consider enrolling in the Bachelor of Health Science at the Australasian College of Natural Therapies (ACNT). Here, you can choose to study online or on campus, where you’ll gain hands-on clinic experience.
Within the Bachelor of Health Science, you can specialise in either nutrition or naturopathy. In the nutrition stream, you’ll gain an understanding of how diet and nutritional status can impact our health, and how therapeutic nutritional intervention can achieve wellbeing. If you choose to specialise in naturopathy, you’ll approach health from a more holistic perspective—looking at factors like emotional status, diet and lifestyle to treat the underlying causes of disease.
ACNT has campuses in Sydney and Brisbane, as well as their sister school, Southern School of Natural Therapies (SSNT) in Melbourne. The best part is, you don’t even have to wait until the new year to take your first step towards a career you love! Enrolment is currently open for the September intake and it only takes a few minutes to apply. So, what are you waiting for? Find out more about studying at ACNT or SSNT or visit their Open Days (ACNT and SSNT).

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