Some people and moms are opting in to get it all tidied up down there after childbirth, via laser and exercise. Because going through a pregnancy and then a birth tends to stretch it and do some damage, many are using newer, non-invasive devices to get a bit of that pre-birth shape back. While vaginoplasty is also an option (albeit a more expensive one), the jury is still out on whether or not this increases sensitivity or not. Some argue the reduction of the tissue may actually decrease it. We’ve done some research to find out what messages there
Three Non-Invasive Ways to Tighten Your Vagina Post-Birth
1) FemiLift
If you want to try this non-invasive procedure, it’ll cost you around $4,500. FemiLift is a breakthrough technology that can improve issues related to vaginal atrophy. That is when the inside of the vaginal canal gets drier and thinner. It also restores the function of the vagina. To complete the procedure, a medical professional will use specialized CO2 lasers to deliver thermal energy and fractionated light. This also stimulates a healing response in the tissue. and restores the delicate tissue for better feminine health.

2) KegelBell

3) They Call Her Alfie Love Gel
For more feeling and relaxation, we recommend using the They Call Her Alfie Love Gel. The science behind Alfie Love Gel is that if you use it daily, it rejuvenates the vaginal tissue. This helps repair that vaginal tissue. In turn, makes you feel more youthful because it increases blood flow down there. It’s definitely one of our favorites on the market. It’ll also become stronger, healthier, and visibly transformed. This is a great way to help tighten the vagina post-birth. Shop here.