5 Minutes With Steph Claire Smith & Laura Henshaw To Inspire Your Healthy 2019

We talk self-care, smoothies and staying motivated.

keep it cleaner steph claire smith and laura henshaw
Image: Instagram.com/keepitcleaner

New, year, new you—we totally get it! And in true Amodrn style, we’ve kicked off 2019 by sharing some pretty handy tips on how to make this year your healthiest one yet—in mind, body and spirit.
We’ve brought you ways to improve your snooze, how to ensure you *actually* stick to your goals, and highlighted the fitness trends that are set to dominate so that you can mix up your workout routine.
But if there’s any two names that are a constant source of #fitspo (are we still using that hashtag/word this year?), it’s Steph Claire Smith and Laura Henshaw from Keep It Cleaner. We spoke to the duo (who BOTH just so happen to be newly engaged, FYI) following the launch of their first hardcover book, A Girl’s Guide to Kicking Goals about ditching the guilt when it comes to food and exercise, prioritising self-care and knowing how to really listen to your body. 


steph claire smith
Image: Instagram.com/stephclairesmith

What does self-care mean to you and how do you practice it?

Self-care for me is all about looking after my mind just as much as my body. Making time for the things that I love and the people I love helps me find the balance that makes me feel whole.

Do you have a specific night-time routine that you follow?

I always have a peppermint tea before bed! I find it settles my tummy after dinner and is somewhat relaxing. Other than that I like to watch something on TV that relaxes me, be it a movie or a mindless TV show and I try to stay off my phone as much as I can.

What does your current workout routine look like?

I workout 4-6 days a week at the moment—it used to be more but my schedule is pretty crazy right now and I haven’t quick adjusted to it yet! I take every day as it comes, and try and schedule in what I can. But if for whatever reason I can’t get a workout done or I’ve had a few rest days in a row, I don’t let myself freak out like I once would have.

What does your ultimate breakfast smoothie consist of?

Frozen banana, almond milk, protein powder, cacao and peanut butter!

steph claire smith and laura henshaw
Image: Instagram.com/keepitcleaner

If we looked in your fridge right now, what would we find?

Lots of yoghurt, almond milk, spinach, eggs and a bunch of things that need to be cleared out probably because I’ve been away!

Favourite holiday destination and next on your bucket list?

I love the Murray River, and I’m a sucker for a Bali getaway—but I LOVE the Maldives, most beautiful place I’ve ever been. Italy is on the bucket list!

What is your approach to new year’s resolutions? Do you have one?

If you make them and you usually stick to them, good on you. I don’t think I have ever stuck to one because I make them too outrageous! I’d rather make small goals all throughout the year.


laura henshaw
Image: Instagram.com/laura.henshaw

As a uni student, what is your go-to productivity hack?

I have to admit; balancing my uni with my work has been a huge challenge for me. I find I can’t multitask when doing my study and so I have learnt to make sure I dedicate blocks of time (a few hours) each week to my uni work to make sure I get it done and stay focused. I also can’t always make it to lectures so I download them and listen to them when I am driving as I find it helps me absorb and understand the information and then go to my tutes prepared. Understanding concepts that I learn is the key for me to retaining the information and being able to apply what I have learnt when it comes to exams.

How do you find balance in such a busy schedule?

Where I can, I try to schedule in time for things that make me happy and de-stress my mind, like running, talking my dog for a walk with my partner, or baking, but this isn’t always the case. The key for finding balance for me is reminding myself there is no perfect balance and to not put too much pressure on myself. Some weeks I can fit in 3-4 runs, and sometimes I might only be able to get 1 in, and I am totally okay with that.

What does your current workout routine look like?

I try to fit in a workout most days, and always have one rest day per week minimum. I follow our Keep It Cleaner program and my workouts consist of running, HIIT training, boxing and a strength session per week. We have also just added Pilates and Yoga to the program which I am trying to add in once a week, I have found the yoga so good for stretching out my muscles after big weeks of training.

steph claire smith and laura henshaw
Image: Instagram.com/keepitcleaner

What does your ultimate breakfast smoothie consist of?

I always make sure my smoothies have a good source of protein and healthy fats in them to keep me full all morning. I am loving the combination of blueberries and banana at the moment, and love starting a summer morning with a smoothie bowl.

If we looked in your fridge right now, what would we find?

Lots of fresh fruit and veg, yoghurt, eggs, some type of meat for dinner, kombucha, kefir and fermented veggies.

laura henshaw and steph claire smith
Image: Instagram.com/keepitcleaner

What are some personal goals you’re currently working towards?

I have set myself a goal to run a marathon [this] year… I would love to tick that off my bucket list!

How do you pick yourself up when you’re having an ‘off’ day?

If I am having an off day,I always try to get off social media and I try to encourage myself to move my body. A workout always makes me feel better and while at the time it may be the last thing I feel like doing, I find it does always help me feel happier.

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