The Busy Girl’s Guide To Breakfast: 3 Gluten-Free, Vegan And Protein-Packed Recipes

Start your day right!

Too busy for breakfast? That old excuse just isn’t going to cut it anymore.
We now know that starting your day with protein is one of the best-proven ways to stay satiated longer and fuel your day with natural energy. The best breakfasts are clean, lean and packed with protein. Without enough protein your blood sugar levels can drop, leaving you more susceptible to making poor food choices throughout the day. Alright alright, you get it – but what’s a busy girl to do?
If there’s anyone that’s mastered the art of healthy living with a busy schedule it’s Elle Macpherson, co-founder of the premium elixir and supplement brand, Welleco. We’ve partnered with Welleco to share three easy ways to get all of the nutrients and clean fuel you need each morning with Welleco’s Nourishing Plant Protein. Formulated by nutritional doctors using 45 premium whole food ingredients – including organic sprouted brown rice and pea protein – it makes for an outstanding all-in-one vegan and gluten-free protein powder to power up your day.
We love that it’s not just any protein powder – Nourishing Plant Protein also includes digestive enzymes, pre and probiotics, b vitamins, all 9 essential amino acids and so much more to truly nourish you with one single scoop. Whether you prefer to quickly put together in the morning or set aside a bit of time to prep for the week in advance, setting your days up for success has never been more efficient or delicious!

1. Cocoa + Blueberry Chia Pudding Parfait 

Image from Aha

Chocolate pudding, for breakfast. Keep this irresistible protein parfait ready in the fridge the night before and you’ll have a fail-proof breakfast ready in a pinch!


2 tablespoons of chia seeds
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of coconut milk
Coconut yogurt
Fresh blueberries


Mix or shake to combine all ingredients, and let soak in the fridge overnight. In the morning, top with a scoop of coconut yogurt and blueberries.

2. Nutty Protein Kickers 

Image from Instagram user @marielouisephotography

These brekky balls make for a protein perfect grab-and-go treat. Pack a few extra for friends – we know from experience that they’ll disappear quickly!


2 scoops of WelleCo Chocolate NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN
½ cup almonds
½ cup hazelnuts
1 tablespoon of organic peanut butter
1 cup dried dates
Coconut flakes


Combine all ingredients and blend. Roll into balls and coat with coconut. Serves 10.

3. Greenie Coco Banana Smoothie

Image from Welleco

Smoothies are a long-standing busy girl’s breakfast staple, for good reason. Just throw in your favorite greens and customize to taste. In less than a minute you’ll be sipping your way to a clean, lean body and a more productive day!


1 scoop WelleCo Australian Vanilla NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN
½ banana
1 handful greens (we recommend kale or spinach!)
1 cup coconut water
1 cup ice cubes


Blend together, and be on your way!
Hungry for more? Head to the Welleco Journal for more recipe inspiration using our favorite WelleCo NOURISHING PLANT PROTEIN.

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