These 9 Active Valentine's Day Dates Are Way More Romantic Than Dinner

Ditch the dinner crowds and try one of these active date ideas.

Is there anything more romantic than fighting over a table in a packed restaurant on Valentine’s Day? Umm, we can think of a few things! But just because you don’t feel like contending with the crowds (or you’re in a new relationship and don’t want to do anything too full-on), doesn’t mean you have to press skip on February 14th altogether. Nor does it mean you have to laze on the couch with your lover and eat your body weight in chocolate! There are plenty of fun activities you can do on Valentine’s Day that will allow you to bond with your boo while getting active. Because you know what they say, couples that sweat together, stay together (not in that way, that comes later!) So, whether you’re planning a V Day surprise for your BF or just dropping serious hints, here are our top picks for active dates.

Rock climbing

active dates
Image: iStock

Yep, it’s an oldie, but a goodie. Indoor rock climbing is a great option, because it involves a helluva lot of teamwork AND you get to show off your killer upper body strength. What’s not to love? Just make sure you don’t drop your partner while you’re belaying — there’s nothing sexy about rope burn! You can find indoor rock climbing gyms in most major cities.



If you guys really want to get away from other people, why not plan a camping trip? You can go on a bushwalk or hit the beach during the day (depending on where you go) and stargaze by the campfire at night. Now, that’s romantic!

Aerial Course

Image: Instagram @skypeakadventures

Calling all adrenaline junkies — this one’s not for the faint of heart! Aerial courses like Skypeak Adventures in Sydney are perfect for adventure-loving couples. At Skypeak, you’re strapped into a harness and hooked up to ropes to tackle more than 50 aerial challenges. Or, you can take the leap of faith in one of their free-fall jumps. Be warned, you’re probably going to need a drink or two after this one!



Take advantage of the last few weeks of summer with a Valentine’s Day stand-up paddle-boarding session. Whether you take a lesson or just hire some boards and go by yourselves, it’s an awesome way to relax and have a bit of a laugh together.



If camping isn’t really your style but you’re still keen to get out in nature, a hike may be a better option. Just chuck on your activewear, jump in the car and head out to explore a nearby hiking track with your S.O. You can even pack some yummy food and find a good spot to have a picnic with a view!

Bike ride


There’s a reason couples seem to go on bike rides in pretty much every Romcom movie — they’re a fantastic way to get out and about with your partner. Whether you head to a park or just explore your local area, the fresh air and endorphins are sure to get the good vibes flowing.



Fun fact: the first time I met my boyfriend, kayaking was involved (we met at an SBS media event.) Did he fall in love at first sight with my paddling technique? Probably not. But the point is, there’s nothing like spending time with someone in an environment outside a pub in those early days to really get to know them. Whether you’ve been together a while or it’s quite new, kayaking is a great one because it combines teamwork and the great outdoors.

Quad biking

Image: iStock
Image: iStock

If a bike ride is too tame for you, quad biking may be more up your alley. You can either hop on the back of the ATV with your boo to explore the trails or get your own and race him! There’s nothing like a bit of healthy competition to heat things up. Oh, and don’t worry if you’ve never been on one before, they’re super easy to ride thanks to the four wheels. Quad bike companies run all over Australia but I can personally vouch for Quad Bike King in Port Stephens — it’s so much fun riding over the sand dunes!


Image: Instagram @mikutas

So, you want to get out and about on Valentine’s Day but don’t want to ruin your cute hair and makeup. No worries! There are so many ways to get active that don’t actually involve working up a proper sweat. You could head to a nearby town for a day trip or even just be a tourist in your own city by going to the zoo, a museum or to check out the local landmarks! If you work up an appetite and happen to be in Sydney, The Grounds of Alexandria will be hosting an exclusive degustation dinner in their Secret Garden.

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