7 Career Podcasts That'll Inspire You To Quit Your Day Job

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career podcasts
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Podcasts are such an easy, fun and accessible way of improving your knowledge about certain subjects these days, and career-related podcasts are no exception. Whether you’re wanting to find ways to improve your corporate office situation or are considering taking the plunge and turning your side hustle into your main gig, give these excellent podcast picks a listen to get some serious career advice for free.

1. The Femails

Best career podcasts

Ever heard of Career Contessa? Well, this career advice website is geared specifically towards women and aims to equip them with the tools they need in order to cultivate successful careers. Their podcast, The Femails, covers women in work and how to make your career work for you. Podcast host, Career Contessa CEO Lauren McGoodwin, interviews a range of different women from different backgrounds about their failures, triumphs, and advice for career and self-development.

Check out The Femails.

2. Ctrl Alt Delete with Emma Gannon

Best career podcasts

Hosted by Emma Gannon, the renowned writer and Forbes 30 under 30 2018 in media and marketing, this podcast is comprised primarily of interviews with thought leaders across a variety of fields. While the career paths and trajectory of guests is a focus, the discussion is intertwined with chats about social media, the internet and feminism. Popular guests have included Lena Dunham, Gillian Anderson, Elizabeth Gilbert, Zoella and more!

Check out Ctrl Alt Delete.

3. hey, girl

Best career podcasts

A podcast dedicated to showcasing the stories of extraordinary women, author and podcast host, Alex Elle, chats with everyone from CEOs and artists to small business owners and authors. While careers are inevitably discussed, it’s often the peripheral conversations on love, loss, self-care, feminism and more that are the most inspiring of stories.

Check out hey, girl.

4. HerMoney

Best career podcasts

Not technically career-focused but super-relevant all the same, and a topic of conversation that we as women often shy away from. HerMoney—created by Jean Chatzky, the financial editor of NBC’s TODAY show—talks to women about everything from financial independence, to smart investment and how important it is to have these taboo conversations. If you want to get a hold on your finances, this is definitely the podcast for you.

Check out HerMoney.

5. Switch, Pivot, Or Quit with Ahyiana Angel

Best career podcasts

A motivational and inspiring listen, Ahyiana Angel’s podcast focuses on practical advice for career switchers hoping to transition into new fields. The former sports entertainment publicist transitioned into a career as a book author, so is bursting with tips on how to help others do the same. Ahyiana shares her insight and tips in addition to interviewing seasoned professional women who provide clarity, practical tactics and help listeners walk away with actionable items for improving their personal and professional lives.

Check out Switch Pivot or Quit.

6. After the Jump

Best career podcasts

If you’re a creative entrepreneur or considering becoming one, this podcast is worth its weight in gold. Created to discuss what happens after someone has “taken the plunge”, this podcast explores the day-to-day realities of creative entrepreneurship. Grace Bonney interviews creatives, designers and business owners to shed light on the some of the challenges they faced after (often somewhat blindly) taking the plunge.

Check out After the Jump.

7. Side Hustle School

Best career podcasts

Author of the New York Times bestselling book The $100 Startup, Chris Guillebeau, writes and hosts this informative and motivational podcast about people who’ve successfully turned side hustles into their main jobs. If you’re looking for a little inspiration for your own side hustle, as well as some real talk on what it takes to make it work, this podcast is a must listen for you.

Check out Side Hustle School.

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