7 Inspiring Books To Read For A Dose Of Mid-Year Motivation

Don't wait until 1 January for a fresh start.

Is it just me, or is this year going extraordinarily quickly? It’s June, which means we’re already halfway through 2017!
This means there’s a good chance that those well-intentioned New Year’s resolutions have already fallen by the wayside. Maybe that gym pass you bought in a flurry of motivation has been gathering dust or your desk or your bank balance has less zeros than you’d hoped? Yep, it happens to the best of us.
When you lose your momentum, it can feel like you need to wait for a ‘fresh start’ to start working towards your goals again. But why wait for 1 January to roll around again when you can get a head-start now? By adding these inspiring books to your reading list, you can reignite your motivation and start ticking off those goals again!

I Know How She Does It

Wondering how you can squeeze more into your days? This is the book for you. In what she calls the ‘Mosaic Project’ Laura Vanderkam reviews the time logs dozens of successful women and looks for patterns in how they use their time. It’s the ultimate masterclass in time management!

Shop I Know How She Does It.

You Are A Badass

In You Are A Badass, life coach Jen Sincero teaches you how to banish the self-doubt that has been holding you back from living the life you deserve. It’s equally inspiring and hilarious!
Shop You Are A Badass.

The Gratitude Diaries

Sometimes, it’s not your life that you need to change — it’s your attitude towards it! This is a realisation author Janice Kaplan had one New Year’s Eve, leading her to embark on year-long gratitude project. In this eye-opening book, she couples her own experience with advice from psychologists, academics, doctors, and philosophers.
Shop The Gratitude Diaries.

Get Your Sh*t Together

Think all self-help books are wishy washy and condescending? Think again! This hilarious read from the author of ‘The Life-changing Magic Of Not Giving A F*ck’ is a practical, no-nonsense guide to going from ‘whining to winning.’
Shop Get Your Sh*t Together.

You Are Enough

Have you really not accomplished enough this year — or are you just too hard on yourself? In this inspiring read, holistic health expert Cassie Mendoza-Jones challenges the idea that our self-worth is tied to our accomplishments.
Shop You Are Enough.

Better Than Before

This New York Times bestseller is a practical guide to changing the habits that are holding you back and creating new ones that will make you happier and more successful.
Shop Better Than Before.

How To Be A Bawse

Actress, comedian and YouTube sensation Lilly Singh (aka Superwoman) writes a definitive guide to becoming a ‘bawse’ — ‘a person who exudes confidence, reaches goals, gets hurt efficiently, and smiles genuinely because they’ve fought through it all and made it out the other side.’ Sounds good to us!
Shop How To Be A Bawse.

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