5 Of Our Favourite Yogis Share A Sequence For International Yoga Day

It's Christmas! ...kind of.

Sjana Elise Earp
Image: www.sjana.com

It’s Christmas. Ok, it’s not. But it may as well be for us. It’s International Yoga Day and if you’re like us here at Amodrn, that’s just as good.
Like eating, breathing and sleeping, sometimes it feels as if yoga is part of our survival. It helps us to focus and stay calm, gives us clarity and sets us up for the day—and we think that’s worth celebrating.
If you’re new to the practice, what better day to begin? And if not, no doubt you want to give it thanks. So whether you’re a novice or an expert, prefer power or poise, there’s something here for you.

30-Minute Vinyasa Flow With Caley Alyssa

We might’ve mentioned it before, but our friend, Caley Alyssa, is a bit of an aficionado on the mat. It’s one of many reasons why we love her. Check it out for yourself in this 30-minute power Vinyasa flow. Designed to build and strengthen your core while getting you to connect with your breath, it’ll really work up a sweat.

20-minute Ashtanga Fundamentals with Laruga Glaser

New to yoga or just want a restorative practice? Try this Ashtanga Fundamentals class from Laruga Glaser. You’ll learn to connect your breath with movement and to centre your mind. Set your intention for the day and try it out.

15-Minute Strength & Stretch with Juliana Semenova

After suffering from a serious spinal injury as an Olympic level rhythmic gymnast, Juliana Semenova turned to yoga during her rehabilitation. Using it to build strength and restore mobility at the time, it’s now become part of her everyday. Here, she shares one of her favourite morning routines, designed to stretch, build strength and start the day on a positive note.

10-Minute Bed Yoga For Beginners With Sjana Earp

If you start your day with Juliana’s routine, we’d recommend ending it with Sjana’s. It’s slow and peaceful and will help you unwind. Plus, she recommends doing it in bed so you can go straight from flow to pillow. Want more from Sjana? Try her new program on SWEAT.

2-Minute Thighs & Glutes with Kate Kendall

The list wouldn’t be complete without a sequence from our local yogi, Kate Kendall. If you’ve only got two minutes, this one’s for you. Designed to target the thighs and glutes, it’s quick but effective. Disclaimer: Don’t be fooled, it may be short but it seriously burns.

Although you can practise these at home, if you’d like to try a class, check out 11 of Australia’s best designed yoga studios. 

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