These Are The Best One Minute Hacks For A Healthier Morning

They'll actually make you enjoy getting up in the morning!


This cooler weather makes it so much easier to drift off to sleep at night. Unfortunately, it also makes it about 10 times harder to drag yourself out of bed in the morning! So, when the alarm goes off, you hit snooze and promise yourself you’ll leave the warm, cosy haven of your doona in 10 minutes. But then it happens again…and again.
By the time you finally get up, you only have 20 minutes until you need to leave the house! Your grand ambitions of doing a morning workout and having a healthy breakfast fly out the window, while you race around in a panic trying to find clean clothes. So, you end up just having to grab a toast and coffee on your way to work.
Luckily, having a healthier and more productive morning doesn’t have to involve elaborate, one-hour rituals. These five tricks are so quick and easy, you might actually look forward to waking up for work.

Drink matcha

Ditch your morning cup of joe for matcha. The powdered green tea isn’t just pretty—it’s chockfull of antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins. And it’s still got a little caffeine to help you feel alert and focused. It used to be that making a cup of matcha was a bit of a process—boil the water to the right temperature, whisk with a special bamboo tool, and so on.
But the geniuses at Matcha Maiden developed a special instant matcha blend that make life so much easier. All you need to do is add hot water to the pre-packaged mix, and you’ve got an instant matcha latte with all the metabolism- and energy-boosting benefits of a conventional cup.
Shop Matcha Maiden here.

Sip your breakfast

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Smoothies are our kind of fast food—portable, drinkable, and easy to digest! But sometimes often, we either open the freezer and realize we don’t have the right ingredients for our smoothie of choice, or we add too many things to the blender and the result is a weird-tasting drink. Check out some of our favourite, no-fail smoothie recipes here.

Get grateful

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There’s scientific evidence that keeping a gratitude journal not only improves your psychological well-being, but it can boost your physical health, too. Beginning your day by writing down what you’re thankful for can completely change your outlook—and make the rest of your morning a lot more pleasant.
Try a gratitude journal app like Happier, which reminds you to write down what you’re thankful for and allows you to see what’s making the people around you happy (in case you need a little inspiration!).

Slough it off

Instead of stumbling towards the shower first thing in the morning, take a moment to use a dry brush. The all-natural bristles increase blood flow to the skin and fascia, and it’s a nice all-over exfoliating technique. When performed daily, it naturally detoxifies the body, and in the long run daily dry brushing can improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Get a mini-massage

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Stand on an acupressure mat while you wash your face and put on makeup. It’ll massage your feet, but more importantly it will increase blood flow and circulation, which naturally increases your energy levels.

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