They say if you love your job you will never work a day in your life. But sometimes, day-to-day work life can feel less than glamorous.
And that’s why we’ve rounded up three easy ways to make our 9-to-5s feel less tedious and much more enjoyable.
Take A Break
Although it may be heard to tear yourself away from your desk for more than five minutes, taking a break is extremely important. Not only does taking a break enhance concentration and prevent boredom in the afternoon, it also gives you the opportunity to sneak in a workout or catch up with a girlfriend for lunch.
Listen To A Motivational Podcast
Looking for some serious career inspiration? Tune into a podcast centred around women in the workplace. Check out a few of our favourites here—they’re entertaining and filled with amazing insights for every step of your professional life.
Decorate Your Space
The office can be fairly clinical, but adding personal touches (like photos), chic stationery, and plants to your desk can go a long way toward making you feel happier. Just make sure each piece has an actual purpose. After all, you don’t want a cluttered workspace!
Want a little inspo that you can actually recreate? Click here to check out our SYD office and all the knick-knacks we scored off Etsy.
Feel like there’s never enough time in the day to get everything done? These 5 time management techniques will help you maximise your productivity. And, if you want to you to get on top of your finances, become more productive or kickstart your freelance career, we’ve got you covered—these online courses will give you the skills you need to reach your full potential.