3 Health-Conscious Cocktail Recipes To Enjoy This Silly Season

Yes, they still contain alcohol.

health conscious cocktails
Image: Courtesy of Conscious Cocktails

Shannon Rosie Barge, clinical nutritionist and owner of wellness foodie hotspot, Rosie’s in Coogee, is a self-confessed nutrition nerd who has a particular interest in gut health. On the flip side, she loves to enjoy a few drinks with friends and indulges in delicious foods when she feels like it. What happens when both worlds collide? Health-conscious cocktails, of course! Here are three recipes straight from her book just in time for the holiday season!

rosies in coogee conscious cocktails
Image: Rosie’s Coogee

Boochy Mule

Whether you’re wanting to add some more probiotics to your day or you’re craving some festive fizz, booch cocktails are for you. It can be as simple as mixing one shot of your spirit of choice with your favourite kombucha flavour. Or take things to the next level and use your booch as just one ingredient in a novel cocktail creation. The Moscow Mule used to be an old favourite of mine but I reluctantly had to break up with it when I ditched ginger beer—do you know how sugary that stuff is? You might as well be drinking a soft drink. Enter, ginger kombucha, the perfect low sugar alternative.
You Need:

  • 30mls vodka
  • 60mls ginger kombucha
  • 15mls lime juice
  • Slice fresh ginger

Let’s Mix:
1. Fill your favourite glass with ice. Pour in your choice of ginger kombucha, freshly squeezed lime juice, followed by a shot of vodka. Stir it up.
2. Top with soda water if you prefer more body and garnish with a sprig of fresh mint, lime wedge and freshly cut ginger for an extra oomph of spice.

conscious cocktails kombucha
Image: Conscious Cocktails

Just Peachy Sangria

She’s girly but dangerous—my kind of woman. Throw her together at your next poolside BBQ but don’t be fooled, she packs a powerful punch. She’s a giver too. Succulent peaches are antioxidant rich, heart healthy and gut protective. Don’t ditch the skin, learn to love your peach fuzz (and no I don’t mean facial hair) as its loaded with antioxidants and fibre.
The best drinks are the ones we have with friends, so gather everyone together and feel as bubbly as your cocktail.
You Need:

  • 75mls sparkling wine or Champagne
  • 15mls peach tea
  • 1 rosemary sprig
  • ½ peach
  • ½ kiwi fruit
  • 1 thumb ginger, grated
  • 20mls spiced rum or aged rum
  • 2 drops liquid stevia (optional)

Let’s Mix:
1. Brew peach tea for 15 minutes in a small cup of water so that the tea is strong. Set aside to cool.
2. Cube the peach and kiwi fruit and place into a jar. Add the grated ginger, peach tea and rum to the jar. Place the jar in the fridge and leave to infuse for at least 2 hours (best results if left overnight).
3. When ready to serve add the sparkling wine and garnish with edible flowers and a sprig of rosemary.

Spiked Green Juice

Forget the eagle pose, this is the real embodiment of balance. Let’s be practical and transform your post-workout, pre-night out dose of green goodness into the perfect getting ready cocktail. Nourish that bod while you listen to tunes, plan the night out and pick the perfect outfit. Hot tip: Always blend, never juice. Fibre, fibre, fibre!
You Need:

  • 45mls vodka
  • 2 dash celery bitters
  • 100mls green juice mix
  • Green juice mix:
  • ½ tsp moringa powder
  • 2 green apples
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 kale leaves
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 30mls fresh lemon juice
  • ½ tsp spirulina
  • 1tsp raw honey (optional)

Let’s Mix:
To make green juice: Blend the moringa powder, chopped apples, cucumber, kale, mint leaves, spirulina and freshly squeezed lemon juice. If you’re new to green juices add a drizzle of honey to sweeten. Blitz on high dial until pureed.
To make cocktail: Add green juice mix to cocktail shaker. Pour in a shot of vodka and a few dashes of celery bitters to taste. Add ice and shake vigorously for about 10 seconds.
Strain mix into ice filled glass. Garnish with celery stick. Enjoy.
rosie's coogee conscious cocktails
Recipe extracts from ‘Conscious Cocktails’ By Shannon Rosie Barge. Shop here.

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