You Can Now Hire The World's First Personal Travel Assistant To Come With You On Holiday

Have you ever been in a stunning holiday destination and wished you had someone to take the types of effortlessly cool, candid shots you see on Instagram? Or perhaps you really want to go on a trip, but your partner and friends can’t take time off work and you’re not game to do it solo? Or maybe, you love travelling but hate all the organising involved?
One woman reckons she’s the answer to your travel woes. Henna Rinnekangas, 32, from Finland is the world’s first personal travel assistant. Not to be confused with a travel agent or an escort, she offers her companionship to those who don’t want to (or can’t, due to a disability) travel alone. Not only that, but she organises their entire travel itinerary for them. While Henna doesn’t charge for her services, there is one catch — her clients must pay for all of her travel expenses.

There are so many people who are not travelling and don’t know what the world has to offer. It’s a shame because the world widens one’s perspective. There are several reasons which prevent people from travelling: disability, fear of flying, lack of organising skills and laziness, etc. I will do my best to give these people the sparkle to experience the adventure of their lives. At the same time I get to do something I love – travel. My dream has always been to make my living on traveling.

– Henna Rinnekangas via Daily Mail

Henna certainly has the travel experience to back up her services. The Helsinki native started up her travel blog, Whatawowworld in 2014 and has since visited more than 40 locations. She says the next destinations on her travel bucket list are Africa, Hawaii and Mexico.

So far, Henna is yet to have anyone take her up on her daring offer — but it will be interesting to see if she gets any bites. In the meantime, we want to know how we can score a job like this!

Even if becoming a personal travel assistant isn’t on the cards, you can still earn a living while globetrotting! Check out these 7 jobs you can from literally anywhere in the world.

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