Step Aside, Tulum—Sri Lanka Is Set To Be Your New Favourite Getaway

Time to start writing that "wish you were here" postcard.

Sri Lanka is one of those dream destinations. It’s fairly untouched and unknown to the pitfalls of excessive tourism. Tropical, wild and blissfully peaceful, the teardrop-shaped island is located just south of India.
It’s the ultimate little-known haven for yogis and surfers alike who (sneakily) flock to the island for some affordable waves and sun salutations. And if you like curry, then you’re in luck.
Since we like to let you in on all the wellness secrets, we’ve got the scoop on the new resort to book a trip to now—before the crowd catches on.

Introducing Tri Lanka: Sri Lanka’s eco-luxury getaway

Tri Lanka, Sri Lanka, travel, sustainable, eco-friendly, resort, holiday

Set on the banks of Lake Koggala, the island’s largest natural lake, Tri Lanka is Sri Lanka’s first and only sustainable resort.
Tri Lanka, Sri Lanka, yoga studio, sustainable, eco-friendly, resort, holiday, travel

Owned by British photographer, Rob Drummond and designed by renowned eco-architect Raefer Wallis, the resort offers luxurious accommodations as well as a treetop yoga space. Classes are led by Lara Baumann, who counts Gerard Butler and Sienna Miller as her private clients!
Tri Lanka, Sri Lanka, travel, sustainable, eco-friendly, resort

Meanwhile, the ten eco-friendly rooms boast breathtaking views of the lake and exclusive access to the adjacent beach club. They’re tastefully decorated with a combination of modern and traditional colonial decor that features cinnamon sticks. You will notice a lot of cinnamon sticks surrounding the resort because they’re an integral part of their sustainability initiatives.
Tri Lanka, Sri Lanka, sustainable, eco-friendly, resort, travel, holiday

Whether you choose to leisurely catch up on your reading by the 21m pool, or opt for some adventure kayaking on the lake, there’s something to satisfying your wanderlust. Alternatively, just hail a tuk-tuk and go and explore some nearby temples and markets.
Tri Lanka, Sri Lanka, travel, sustainable, eco-friendly

At the end of your day, be sure to saunter over to their exclusive beach club and restaurant on Kabalana Beach. Wholesome meals and Ayurvedic options await. And if you’re still left unconvinced, you’ll just have to go see for yourself.
All we want to know is: When’s the next flight out?

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