What Wellness Warriors Do to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis

Keeping it real

how to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Dr. Lena DIcken, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

As the world adjusts to a new normal amid shifting routines, five wellness experts have weighed in on how to control the constant bombardment of daily news and stay positive during the Corona Virus crisis by channeling their energy into specific practices to stay centered in physical distancing. With so much kindness and beauty still out there to help you stay upbeat, here are insights from some of our favorite wellness warriors on how they maintain an optimistic attitude during the coronavirus crisis.

1. Katie Keller Geer, LA-based Yoga Instructor

What Wellness Warriors Do to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Katie Keller Geer, LA-based Yoga Instructor

“I won’t pretend it’s as easy as just doing yoga every day in your living room, but I am taking this experience on as an opportunity to slow down! Every day my husband and I go for a long walk around Santa Monica, we make coffee, work from home, cook nourishing food, FaceTime our family and friends, and then YES do some online workouts — I think movement, sunshine, and connection can help curate an environment that feels nourishing.” – Katie Keller Geer, LA-based Yoga Instructor

2. Meika Hollender, CEO + co-founder of Sustain Natural + Sexual Health Expert

What Meika Hollender does to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Meika Hollender, CEO + co-founder of Sustain Natural + Sexual Health Expert

“To stay centered and positive, I’ve incorporated a few things into my daily routine, including waking up at the same time every day, getting ‘dressed’, working out (Melissa Woods’ videos have been a godsend!), indulge — that means watching as much tv as I want, eat copious amounts of sweets, and nap mid-day if I’m tired — I’ve found it’s important to not put pressure on myself during this time to ‘be my best self’ or ‘do my best’, we’re living through an incredibly stressful and anxiety-inducing moment in time, and I say this speaking from a place of privilege, so it’s important to give in to indulgences that get us through the day.” – Meika Hollender, CEO + co-founder of Sustain Natural + Sexual Health Expert
“We are all in this together. Cliched saying, but for the first time, I can remember, absolutely true. I stay positive knowing that all of us collectively can conquer anything and will.

3. Josh LeVine, Co-Founder of ASYSTEM

What Josh LeVine does to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Josh LeVine, Co-Founder of ASYSTEM

Daily, come up with something to address Mind, Body and Soul. Mind – read any and everything (not just news on COVID or politics), work, use it as a time to learn, absorb, and think about what you want to do on the other side of this. Body – workout, stay active, stretch, walks, fresh air and sun. Soul – Reconnect with old friends, call your mom, slow down, enjoy the little things like having a drink with your partner or spouse, play with your kids.” – Josh LeVine, Co-Founder of ASYSTEM + Men’s Wellness Expert

4. Houston Kraft, Kindness Advocate and Co-Founder of Character Strong

What Houston Kraft does to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Houston Kraft, Kindness Advocate and Co-Founder of Character Strong

“During this time of social distancing, there is an opportunity to double down on social care, flexing our compassion to the same degree as our necessary caution. With the virus affecting all of us and to combat the inevitably confusing and loneliness and pain ahead of us, my team and I at Character Strong built the Kindness Journal, a month-long project that encourages you to take 10 minutes or less and is designed to give yourself, your community and this world a daily dose of generosity, connection, empathy and love. ” – Houston Kraft, Kindness Advocate and Co-Founder of Character Strong

5. Dr. Lena Dicken, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

What Lena Dicken does to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Dr. Lena Dicken, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

“My daily practice for staying positive has included 1) meditation and breathing exercises 2) movement – either walking, yoga/stretching, or dancing, and 3) compassion. My compassion practice oscillates between going from my own feelings about what’s happening right now, and how it affects myself and my family, to sending compassion towards all the people  in the world and the various struggles they may be going through during this time.” – Dr. Lena Dicken, Licensed Clinical Psychologist and Mental Health Expert

5. Sydney Webb, Founder & CEO of Madeby and Holistic Health Expert

What Sydney Webb does to Stay Positive During the Coronavirus Crisis
Sydney Webb, Founder & CEO of Madeby and Holistic Health Expert

“My entire life has been a series of events that all lead me to one loud, joyous, resounding truth: Everything happens for a reason. In our darkest moments, our thoughts are our greatest allies. Thoughts become things- what we think about, we bring about. So, to put it simply: Generating, sitting with, and radiating thoughts of worry, sadness, pain, helplessness, etc, will manifest sadness, pain, helplessness in physical form in our lives. To generate positive, loving, supportive, compassionate energy in our lives, we must think it, feel it, and become it ourselves first, and believe that there is a greater purpose in all of this.
My biggest daily hack to happiness is starting and ending each day with at least 10 minutes spent in my gratitude journal.  Personally, the more detailed I am about what I’m grateful for in my journal, the more deeply I feel the gratitude radiate through all the fibers in my body. It’s truly magic.” – Sydney Webb, Founder & CEO of Madeby and Holistic Health Expert

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