Water Fasting Is Totally A Thing—And Science Actually Says It's Safe

Would you try it? Here's what you need to know.

Water fasting is an ancient healing modality that can have a profound effect on your health.
Photo by Sarah Dorweiler on Unsplash

Reckon you could survive on just h2o for an extended period of time? Well, water-fasting says you can, and that it can actually work wonders in healing chronic health conditions; thanks to the sheer amount of cellular repair that can be done when your body isn’t over-exerted from breaking down any food.

Water fasting is an ancient detoxification method that has been used for tens of thousands of years in indigenous cultures and in Eastern medicine. When water-fasting, the body’s enzyme system can focus on breaking down toxins so any parasites, bacterial overgrowth and candida will be lessened or eliminated.

But let’s be real here; water fasting sounds extreme; like the cabbage soup diet, or drinking solely a tonic of lemon juice, water, cayenne pepper and maple syrup for an extended period of time. It sounds like a fad or a quick-fix; perfect for celebrities who want to drop ten kilos in two weeks.

But what if we told you that water fasting can be a useful tool for anyone on a quest for greater health and healing?

Here’s what you need to know about water-fasting:

1. It’s completely safe and backed by science

Studies at the University of California Berkeley have stated that three day water fasts serve your body by reseting your immune system and activating the stem cells that enable you to perform at your optimum level.

Poor immune function and toxic contaminations that occur as a result of a range of lifestyle factors have been shown to drastically improve after water fasting, as have a range of other medical conditions including psoriasis, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, uterine fibroids, intestinal parasites, allergies, hay fever, hives, multiple sclerosis, and insomnia.

So to say that water-fasting is an effective healing modality would be a huge understatement.

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happy monday! it’s another water fasting day for me. ? if there is anything i have learned on this healing journey… it’s DO YOU. ✌? there are so many different ways to heal, so many modalities, specialties, doctors, and an ever flowing slew of opinions. only WE know what is best for our bodies individually, and it takes COMMITTING fully to something to see whether it works for you! i am loving this part of my routine lately — i feel it’s making huge strides for my eczema, hives, fibroid, gut health issues, parasite die off, and more. ?? head to my blog (link in my bio) to read all about WHY i water fast, who i recommend it to, what conditions it can help to heal, etc. ALL the deets. ??‍♀️ love you guys!!! thank you for the continued support as i get my body back in balance. #tbbmademedoit #soulonfire #waterfasting

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2. You won’t go into starvation mode

When you take a break from eating and digesting foods and instead drink only water, your body dips into nutrient reserves for energy and fuel. Your body will go into ketosis after a couple of days, which is when your body burns fat for fuel instead of relying on glucose. Between being in ketosis and using your previously-established nutrient reserves for energy, your brain and blood sugar levels are able to remain stableThis is also why your metabolism won’t be shot to hell, and why people who have serious illnesses and diseases to heal from can fast for up to 40 days monitored by a health professional without having their bodies go into starvation mode.

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