Want to burn up to 1,000 calories in 45 minutes?

We're not talking about those blackened brownies in your oven.

AG6, Asphalt Green

Asphalt Green is a New York City based non-profit recreation centre that has recently launched AG6 – an innovative circuit-based workout promising to burn up to 1,000 calories in every 45-minute HIIT training session.
Since launching at the end of April, this fitness class has changing the way New York City is sweating. It may look like a gaming arcade, but don’t be fooled! Designed for those who like to have a little extra fun in their sweat session (but really, who doesn’t?), this interactive training method will truly test your limits.
Gamifying your workout, the class is truly like no other. It is a spin on the usual HIIT session, and will have you chasing colourful lights, bouncing balls and leap frogging all session long. Think laser tag crossed with a disco, add a few high intensity exercises in there and you’re set! The AG6 is one workout not to miss, you will have no RAGRETS after you burn your way through that burger (or two).
“Trust your athletic intuition and uncover your sixth sense with the AG6 workout.”

Here’s the low-down on AG6:

AG6 focuses on:

  • Speed
  • Reaction time
  • Balance
  • Endurance
  • Strength
  • Agility

The Technology:

  • PRAMA technology uses pressure sensitive walls and floors that come alive with integrated LED light and sound.
  • Embrace the 1,800 square-foot PRAMA room that looks more like a gaming arcade. Release your inner kid and let the fun begin.

The Smarter Approach to Fitness

  • This workout improves muscle memory (your sixth sense), using the innovative PRAMA technology.

The AG6 effect: React. Move. Repeat.

  • React: get ready to train your reflexes with the responsive LED lights, which will ultimately prompt your fast-twitch muscle movement.
  • Functional movement: training your body for moves you make daily – strengthening mass muscle groups.
  • Total body workout: a complete strength and cardio all in one – feel every calorie burn.

Let’s cross our fingers ladies and hope that this one will hit our shores in no time because who could say no to burning 1000 calories in 45 minutes? And no we aren’t talking about those blackened choc-chip brownies in your oven!

Asphalt Green AG6

Website: www.asphaltgreen.org/ues/programs/fitness/training/ag6

Facebook: www.facebook.com/asphaltgrn

Twitter: www.twitter.com/AsphaltGreen

Instagram: instagram.com/asphaltgreen

Upper East Side Address : 555 East 90th St. New York, NY 10128

Battery Park Address : 212 North End Ave. New York, NY 10282


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