Tourism Australia's new campaign will make you want to travel

Stunning beaches? Check! Clean air and fresh produce? Check! Hunky men? Check! Yep, Australia is the best place in the world. Full stop. And now it seems the rest of the world will be able to see our beloved backyard in all its glory in Tourism Australia’s latest campaign.
The awe-inspiring, aquatic-themed video features Thor actor and new Tourism Australia global ambassador Chris Hemsworth, but there’s a catch – his gorgeous face doesn’t actually appear on-screen, only his voice (damn!).

“I have always been so proud to be Australian and it’s a pretty special feeling knowing that I will have a role in promoting my country to the world and encouraging more people to come down under and experience our amazing beaches and landscapes for themselves,” said Chris Hemsworth.

Luckily, the sweeping views still manage to take our breath away. Among the brilliant shots are a helicopter ride over the 12 Apostles, snorkelling on The Great Barrier Reef, kayaking through Katherine Gorge, driving on the beach in South Australia, cycling around Lake Burley Griffin, sailing through Rottnest Island and walking the Three Capes Track in Tasmania.

“While Australia is known for its natural beauty, the world still doesn’t have a full appreciation of the breadth, depth and quality of our aquatic and coastal experiences. They’ve always been an important part of our destination story but they’ve never before taken centre stage,” said Tourism Australia Managing Director John O’Sullivan. 

Tourism Australia Chief Marketing Officer, Lisa Ronson, said the $40 million global campaign would be brought to life using ground-breaking virtual reality (VR) technology and compelling user generated content (UCG) on a size and scale never before seen in destination marketing.

So if this video doesn’t make you want to jump on a plane RIGHT NOW, we don’t know what will.

There’s nothing like Australia

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