Meet Tone It Up's Karena and Katrina

We caught up with the founders of fitness lifestyle brand, Tone It Up to talk fitness, fashion and the future.

Tone It Up, karena and katrina

Karena Dawn and Katrina Scott, also known as the Tone It Up beach babes, have taken the health and fitness world by storm. The dynamic duo produce workout videos (with over 42 million Youtube views) and lead fitness challenges throughout the year, on top of selling various product lines that include their workout DVDs and nutrition plans, Perfect Fit protein powder, and branded exercise apparel and equipment.
As the flood of daily hashtags (over 2 million to date) and social media photos show, real-life BBF’s have built an expansive community, encouraging women to share their journeys towards better health.
Here, the inspiration entrepreneurs share their secrets to success, plus top health and fitness tips and tricks.

Meet Karena and Katrina

Tell us a bit about your background and how you created Tone It Up?

Katrina – I studied Exercise Physiology in school and worked in a gym as a personal trainer. I’ve always been extremely interested in fitness, nutrition and how the body works.
Karena – I grew up competing in triathlons with my dad. When I moved to Manhattan Beach, I was working out at a gym on a Friday night when I met Katrina. We both had this shared passion in fitness and the rest is sort of history!

What makes Tone It Up unique?

Katrina – Tone It Up is unique because of the Community. It’s filled with amazing, strong women lifting each other up and supporting one another through all of the best and difficult moments.

What do you think is the secret to your success?

@karenadawn @katrinaascott

A photo posted by Karena & Katrina (@karenakatrina) on

Karena – We’re really passionate about what we do and we understand that Tone It Up is bigger than us. We believe that when you lead with passion, anything can happen.

What is the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome in your career?

Katrina – Staying in the moment. We try and work on that everyday, but we have so many exciting things happening that its easy to get ahead of ourselves! The thing that always brings us back is scrolling through the #TIUTeam hashtag on Instagram and seeing the TIU Community check-ins. It reminds us everyday why we do what we do.

What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Karena – To use your passion as your navigator through life. If you’re not sure if something is a good fit for you or which direction to go, always check back in with your passions and beliefs and the right answer will become apparent.

What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs?

Katrina – Be yourself. Authenticity and passion are really important to creating something that is truly yours.

How did the My Perfect Fit protein powder come about?

Katrina – Our community was always asking us about a protein powder to use after their workouts. We couldn’t find a protein that we would recommend to the community, so we decided to create one! We wanted to give our girls the best possible product so we worked really hard on creating an organic, non-GMO, plant based and gluten free formula… and we did it! Plus, Perfect Fit Protein makes literally the most amazing pancakes you could imagine!

What are some of your most popular workout videos?

Karena – Our HIITy Bitty Bikini is definitely popular! It’s a great 20 minute HIIT workout to raise your metabolism and heart rate as well as tone your entire body. We’re also in love with Cardio Abs from our new Beach Babe 4.

Our online videos focus on workout and lifestyle content. They’re created with our audience in mind, to give them info and fun tips – and make them smile!

What does your workout regime look like?

Karena – Lately, if we’re not doing a TIU workout, we’re taking yoga classes or going on runs or long walks. We try and be active throughout the entire day.

Do you have any tips for staying motivated and not skipping a workout?

Katrina- You’ll never regret a workout. Even if you wake up late and you only have 10 minutes to spare, fit in a quick one. Go for a short jog or try out our Snooze Button Workout. Anything is better than nothing!

What are your thoughts on maintaining a positive body image?

when you don’t have to say anything… and she just understands everything 💛👯
A photo posted by Karena & Katrina (@karenakatrina) on

Karena – Your body does a lot of great things for you! Love your body, because its with you for life and you deserve the love.

Why do you recommend having a workout buddy?

Katrina – Accountability partners are so important to sticking with any goal. Having a friend or gal pal give you that extra little push when you need it most helps keep you committed and excited.

What are some of your favourite active wear labels?

Karena – We love Bandier. The quality of their clothes is incredible and so comfortable.

What is your food philosophy?

K🌿LE + 🍊+ 🍓 Salad ~ #LeanCleanGreen #TIUplan @ToneItUp
A photo posted by Karena & Katrina (@karenakatrina) on

Katrina – Lean, Clean and Green! It’s the basis for our Tone It Up Nutrition Plan and how we eat as well.

What does a typical day on your plate look like?

Karena – Breakfast is usually a Perfect Fit pancake or post workout smoothie and cold pressed coffee with a splash of almond milk. We love making big batches of protein bars and bites to bring with us to work for snacks. For dinner we keep it Lean, Clean and Green!

Do you have a signature dish? If so, what is it?

Karena – I like to make grilled salmon and asparagus with a squeeze of lemon!
Katrina – I’m a big fan of the collard wraps for lunches. One of my favorites is from this years 8 Week Bikini Program, the Strawberry Fields Bikini Wrap!

Describe your perfect day off…

Karena – Waking up to a sunny day and walking to a yoga class with Katrina then grabbing lunch and relaxing on the beach all day. Then of course spending time with my fiancée, Bobby and dog, Skunk.
Katrina – Yoga with Karena in the morning then taking a walk with my husband and puppy. It’s nice just to take some time to relax with loved ones!

What are your plans for the future?

Karena – We would love to create more Perfect Fit Protein flavors (like our new Coconut flavor which is AMAZE) and work on new apparel and beauty lines.
Katrina – Plus, we’re really excited to see our community grow and reach out to more women!

Quick Questions:

First thing I do in the morning:

Karena – Drink a glass of water.

Katrina – Go through the #TIUTeam hashtag on Instagram.

Last thing I do at night:

Karena – Kiss Bobby goodnight.

Katrina – Snuggle up to my husband.

Most people probably don’t know this about me, but:

Karena – I make my bed EVERY day!

Katrina – I love to do arts and crafts!

The one place I’d never wear yoga pants:

Katrina – A wedding!

Karena – Yeah, probably not at my wedding! 😉

My favourite café/restaurant is:

K+K – Four Daughters in Manhattan Beach!

If I were a fruit or vegetable I’d be:

Karena – Kale

Katrina – Pineapple

If sugar were a superfood, my diet would consist of:

Katrina – Chocolate

Karena – Wine

I never leave home without:

Karena – My phone

Katrina – Phone

I’m inspired by:

K+K – The entire TIU Community!

My favourite emoji is:

Karena – The dancing girl emoji

Katrina – The peach emoji

My pet peeve is:

Karena – An unmade bed.

Katrina – Active apparel that falls down or doesn’t fit well. That’s why I’m obsessed with our new line! It fits so perfectly and is incredibly comfy. Plus you look like total babe rocking it.

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