These 7 Fitness Trends Are Set To Dominate In 2018

fitness trends
Image: Instagram @spiderbands

As this year comes to a close and we venture into a new one, it’s the perfect time to re-evaluate your exercise regime. Is it still helping you to reach your fitness goals? Does it get you excited and make you actually want to get up when your alarm goes off for your session?
If you didn’t answer these questions with a resounding ‘YES!’, it may be time to think about switching it up. With so many different types of workouts to choose from, there’s really no reason exercise needs to feel like a chore.
But if you still haven’t found an exercise regime you vibe with, don’t fear. 2018 is set to bring a new crop of fun and innovative fitness trends to the mainstream. Here are the ones to look out for:

Virtual Reality Workouts
Next year, virtual reality is set to seriously disrupt the fitness industry. From studios that utilise screens for a more immersive experience to VR headsets that allow you to have a virtual trainer for at-home workouts, working out is going to be anything but boring.

Spider Bands
The word ‘spider’ might make you flinch, but we promise no arachnids are involved in this new fitness trend. Instead, ‘Spiderbands’ is the new, body-sculpting workout taking NYC and London by storm. Basically, they’re like stretchy, suspended resistance bands used to defy gravity (kind of like in aerial yoga) and take your workout to the next level.
You can find out more about Spiderbands here.

Green Fitness

Gyms are set to bring the outdoors inside in 2018, because nature-inspired studios are the next big thing in fitness. The world’s first biophilic (a term that describes the positive effect of nature-inspired design on our wellbeing) gym, Biofit, opened in Canada and London this year and it’s set to pave the way for many more in the near future.
You can find out more about Biofit here.

Wearable tech in group fitness

As individuals, wearable technology has been helping us get the most out of our workouts for years. But in 2018, UFC President Adam Sedlack believes it will play a bigger role in group fitness class. “Boutique fitness franchises and gyms now utilize technology in their group classes,” he says. “Since consumers can see their results next to the entire class, they can push themselves harder during the workout.” International fitness franchise Orange Theory and London studio OPUS use heart-rate monitors to motivate gym-goers and we’re likely to see many other studios do the same in 2018.


We’ve all woken with crazy sore legs after a night of dancing in the club with the girls— but, at the time, you didn’t even notice you were working out because you were having so much fun. The newest fitness trend, Clubbercise, harnesses this feeling in their fun, easy-to-follow classes. The classes are a fusion of dance, toning and combat moves taught with thumping beats, nightclub-style lighting and flashing LED glow sticks. It’s already big in the UK and is preparing for international expansion in 2018 (starting with Australia).
You can find out more about Clubbercise here.

DNA-Based Workouts

This year, we all nerded out over DNA testing that gives you personalised diet recommendations based on your genetic insights. In 2018, we’re likely to see more people utilising these services to tailor their workouts to their individual needs and body composition. “The promise of genetic testing is that it can tell you more about the way you’re built, so that you can tailor your lifestyle to fit your biology — and ultimately change up your fitness routine to get great results,” says CEO and Founder of EverlyWell Julia Cheek.

Ninja Training

The TV show Australian Ninja Warrior had us all wanting to swing from ropes and climb up walls in 2017. Next year will prove it was far from just a passing fad, with ninja fitness and obstacle racing gyms opening across the globe.

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