This Solar-Powered Probiotic Body Spray Is The Safest Way To Wash 'Down There'

And it lasts forever!

It’s no secret that at Amodrn, we’re kinda obsessed with natural beauty products. We love the fact that they’re not only amazing for our skin, but great for the environment (and cruelty-free) too! The only real downside to natural beauty brands is that without all the chemicals, they don’t last as long as traditional products. So, just as we’re falling in love with our au naturale cleanser, it’s time to throw it out!
But thanks to the clever chicks at Aussie clean beauty brand We Are Cultured, it’s a dilemma we no longer have to face They’ve created the world’s first probiotic solar-power beauty product that lasts pretty much forever.

Introducing, Solar Mist

While we’ve known about the benefits of beauty probiotics for a while, the Solar Mist range takes this to a whole new level. They even describe themselves as the ‘artificial intelligence of probiotics.’ Their sprays are enriched with more than 50,000 strains of good bacteria, which help to keep your fresh and clean for up to 48 hours. It’s thanks to this diverse ecosystem of bacteria that it continuously regenerates in the bottles and lasts for years.
So, what do you actually use it for? Well, there’s currently two products — Hands & Body and Delicate Areas. The Hands & Body Solar Mist is basically a natural deodorant that you can use under your armpits or on your feet. It can also be used as a hand sanitiser and a body cleansing spray.
According to the website, with each application “an all-natural army of micro managers nestles in your nooks and crannies to deodorise and regulate your unique microbial levels.” Naturally fermented to continuously produce organic purifying agents – citrus oils, enzymes, citric and lactic acids – it’s activated by visible, UV and infrared light. So, while it is solar-powered, you don’t have to have to raise your armpits to the sun for it to work!

Then, there’s Delicate Areas. We’re sure you can guess what that one’s used for! While traditionally we’ve been told to keep products well away from our lady parts, the hygiene mist has been specially formulated with a pH level that’s optimal for ‘down there.’ The best part, it’s super discreet to chuck in your handbag for after a gym sesh or while traveling — and it can even double as a deodorant, too! Not only is it great for freshening up, it claims to re-balance the microbial environments — which may help to ward off yeast infections.
Also in the works is a Safe Cleaner Solar Mist. It’s a natural probiotic cleaner for the home that sanitises your living spaces on a microscopic level. “Working up to 48 hours after every application, the powerful microbes found in each mist feed on your environmental nasties, combat grime, grease and dust, and eliminate odour ingeniously,” the website reads. All of the Solar Mist products are sustainable and environmentally friendly as they’re packaged in recycled BPA free bottles.
The Solar Mist isn’t We Are Cultured’s first foray into the probiotic world. They’re also tackling beauty from the inside out with their range of Magic Dust probiotic teas. The  party-girls-turned-entrepeneurs created the gut-boosting teas after their lives reached breaking point.

Allergies, leaky guts, chronic exhaustion and crazy downward spirals of depression led us from doctor to doctor. Their prescribed medications only alleviated the symptoms temporarily, and the pains – both emotional and physical – always returned, worse than before.
Desperately hunting for a way out, we chanced upon research that addressed our issues: the human microbiome ecosystem. As we studied more about the interdependent relationship humans have with bacteria, we began making changes to our diet and lifestyle. Over the next few months, we started healing.
Today, we (and many others like us) are walking testaments to the fact that caring for the microbes in our bodies is crucial to total wellness. And we want to help others who seek that wholeness in life.
-via We Are Cultured.

You can get your hands on some Magic Dust here and shop Solar Mist here. We recommend you get in quickly though, because the new kids on the natural bodycare block are about to be huge!

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