The truth about life as a mum

Your body might not 'bounce back' post-baby.

mum, pregnancy, child birth, post-baby body

Congratulations, you’ve had a baby! It’s the most amazing experience in the world, but secretly you get hit with the hard facts. Your. Life. Is. Over.
It happens to all of us.
Once you become a mum, your body is temporarily handed over to another human being (a beautiful human being, I might add). And when it comes back, it feels like someone else’s body. It’s softer, fatter, stretchier. However, here’s the real kicker; your old body isn’t coming back.

But, I promise motherhood isn’t all bad!

Aside from never being able to read the Sunday paper until Wednesday, all is not lost. You are now a mum. Your body has now done something A-MAZING! You grew a human, and that’s no easy feat. And if you take the opportunity to really tune in, really get to know your body now, there will be no stopping you.
When it comes to exercising, you have to take it small steps. Unfortunately, you can’t just pick up where you left off. There’s no doubt that for some women pregnancy and birth wreaks havoc that may never be undone, but for many people it’s an opportunity to achieve their fitness goals.

Post-baby, you will seek out the right people; the specialized Women’s Health Physiotherapists and PT’s. The ones that care, educate and do it right. They will teach you how to find and activate your pelvic floor. They will make sure none of your insides are going to fall out, and they will make sure you have all the tools you need to be stronger, fitter and conquer the world.
I truly believe that as a woman our WHOLE selves begin with how we feel about ourselves. We are just wired to feel as good as the inside of our bodies as we project on the outside.  When we feel good we can do anything. The world is our oyster and our children are as happy and energized as we are.
So to all the new and not so new, tired and worn out mums that are frustrated with their new bodies, and wishing for their old life. It’s gone. But you haven’t. You’ve simply been re-incarnated. You are still the wonderful woman you once were, but now you have super powers and you owe it to yourself, and your little ones, to use them.
Find your body again. Nurture it a little. Start to feel strong. Let the ball keep on rolling and be the very best version of yourself.

If you are suffering from any kind of pelvic floor weakness, abdominal separation, pelvic pain or any other ‘body stuff’ please don’t suffer in silence. Your first step is to find a great Women’s Health Physio and ask for a post-natal check-up.


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