Seven Healthy Snacks We're Stocking Up On Right Now

We're here to get you through that 2 pm hunger slump.

best healthy snacks

Ah, the 2 pm gurgle of your tummy. You’re knee deep in a pile of work, hunched over your desk, about to finish the report you should’ve sent that morning, and then to top it off, that midday hunger hits you. For us, we know grabbing the candy bar from the office pantry is going to hit the spot. But sometimes, we’re in the mood for something healthy, filling, and nutritious. On the other hand, we’re also bored with the regular old banana or protein bar. You grow a little tired with the trends from time to time, you know?
Luckily for you, we’ve searched far and wide for the coolest and most delicious snacks available on the market today. From the most innovative CBD treats to ancient grain granola, keep reading below for seven healthy, delicious snacks we’re stocking up on right now.

1) Split Nutrition Raspberry and Almond Butter Spread 2-Pack, Box of 10 ($23)

split nutrition
Shop the brand here.

2) Purely Elizabeth Vegan Ancient Grain Granola in Blueberry Hemp ($7)

blueberry hemp granola
Shop the brand here.

3) SMPL Functional Superfood Bites Variety 3-Pack ($20)

smpl snacks
Shop the brand here.

4) Compartés Superfood Vegan Organic Paleo Chocolate Bar in Strawberry Pitaya Acai ($10)

chocolate story
Shop the brand here.

5) Sakara Life Blue Spirulina Detox Bars 6-Pack ($29)

sakara life detox bars
Shop the brand here.

6) CORE Foods Organic Overnight Oat Bar + Probiotics, 16 Bars ($48)

core bar protein bars
Shop the brand here.

7) Koia Keto Plant Powered Protein Shake in Chocolate Brownie 12-Pack ($48)

koia protein shake
Shop the brand here.

8) Nona Lim Turmeric Chicken Bone Broth Heat & Sip Cup 6-Pack ($36)

bone broth
Shop the brand here.
While you’re here, check out what a triple threat dietician, athlete, and personal coach eats in a day. 

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