How To Recover From End-Of-Year Burnout

Let's take control of the situation.

burnout, end of year, stress, tired
Image: iStock

As the year comes to a close, most of us are officially feeling creatively bankrupt and in need of some serious self-care. End-of-year burnout is an all-too-common symptom of over-extending and pushing yourself too hard for too long, without taking the time to nourish your body and mind. And, surprise, surprise, you can’t expect to smash your goals for 2017 without a reset. That’s why we’ve created your complete eight-step plan to help you rest and recover.

Sleep as if you haven’t slept in years

Go. To. Bed. Many people—particularly ones suffering from burnout—pride themselves on pulling all-nighters at the office or working on their own side-hustle at home, without letting their social life drop off at all. Bad idea, guys. Sleep makes you more clever, attractive, switched-on, and creative. It can even add years to your life. Not prioritising eight hours of shut-eye each night is, TBH, completely nuts.

Sip liquorice tea

Liquorice root is believed among the natural health crowd to support healthy adrenal function. So, sipping on a tea derived from the stuff could really help out this time of year.

Begin meditating

Perhaps you’ve taken a break from meditating, or you’re not practising as regularly as you used to (you’re so busy, after all). If you’re experiencing symptoms of burnout, taking 20 minutes out of our morning to practice mantra or mindfulness meditation can improve concentration, reduce anxiety, and decrease stress levels.

Start a happiness journal

There are dozens of free print-outs online. Or you could buy a happiness journal or planner and complete regular worksheets to create a more positive internal dialogue. Be sure to reflect on what you’re grateful for, and be inspired by daily feel-good quotes.

Address possible hormone imbalances

Continuously high levels of stress from work or family can do serious damage to our health, throwing our hormones out of whack and impacting everything from our weight to our mood. See a medical professional to address hormonal imbalances, and consider herbal supplements like vitex/chaste tree.

Consider taking St John’s Wort

Also dubbed the “sunshine herb,” St John’s Wort has been used for decades for a tonne of health concerns, but particularly depression. While there isn’t exactly decisive scientific research into the herb’s efficacy, many natural health gurus say it can help by increasing serotonin levels and also working to reduce anxiety. It is known to react badly with some prescription medications, particularly blood thinners, so see a doctor before you start taking it.

Add Panax ginseng to your green smoothie

Ginseng has a long history treating stress and adrenal fatigue. See a medical pro to find out exactly how much you should be taking to help address symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

Chill on the obsessive exercising

When you feel sluggish, fatigued, and unhealthy, exercise may sound like an obvious solution. But, sometimes, it’s not—if you’re burned out, working out less for a little while could be the answer. Some exercise can help prevent exercise, but if your cortisol levels are already through the roof, engaging in equally-stressful workouts could be damaging. Consider lighter, restorative exercises like walking, yoga and Pilates. Most importantly, find a style of exercise that you enjoy.

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