I'm a Freelance Writer and Here's What My Day To Day Is Like During Covid

Yola Robert, the queen of freelance, gives us a glimpse into her one-of-a-kind life.

yola roberts
Image: Yola Roberts

Yola Robert is one of our favorite people, possibly ever. As the host of the I Suck At Life Podcast and a Senior Contributor at Forbes, Yola’s life is constantly a balance of being creative, intuitive, and trying to handle a busy schedule. Squeeze in some words at The Zoe Report, Elite Daily, and Haute Living. That’s podcast host, contributor, and freelance writer to add to her ever-growing list of titles. Her life during COVID-19 hasn’t really changed dramatically, but the freelance writer has needed to make some adjustments to the different shifts in the world today.
Yola’s focus is on interviewing female entrepreneurs, celebrities, and influencers with an emphasis on leveraging failures into success, careers, relationships, best mental health practices, and self-care. She’s still channeling all that energy into her writing, all while making adjustments along the way. As part of this new series on Amodrn, we are profiling entrepreneurial women who work for themselves while dealing with the coronavirus. Keep reading for more on how Yola is adjusting to the new normal.

yola roberts
Image: Yola Robert

 Yola Robert On Work, Life, and What She Hopes Changes After COVID-19

1) How has your work/life routine changed since the COVID-19 pandemic?

I could do most of my work remotely before the pandemic, but I often had meetings, events, desksides, and recorded my podcast from the studio. So now everything has shifted to virtual. That being said I have had to rethink what work/life balance looks like. I have created a buffer in the morning to do things like journaling, meditating, reading, or even sitting outside with a cup of coffee. I no longer get up and go- I have tried to slow down. In the afternoon whenever I start to feel burnt out I workout or go for a walk and then resume working. I have found that working with what my body and mind needs has helped me work smarter during the pandemic.

2) What’s your day like these days from start to finish?

Every day is different for me, it just depends on whether I have podcast to record, an IG Live, or story deadline! Below is a typical schedule for me when working from home:

  • 8 – 9 am: Meditate/pray, journal & coffee
  • 9 – 10 am: Writing (I write best in the morning)
  • 10 – 11 am: Respond to emails
  • 11 am – 1 pm: IG Live, Podcast Recording or Virtual Meetings/Calls
  • 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm: Continue writing, responding to emails, editing podcast
  • 3:00 – 4:00 pm: Creating content, team check-ins
  • 4:00 – 5:00 pm: Workout or Walk
  • 5:00 – 6:00 pm: Dinner
  • 6:00 – 7:30 pm: Finish any tasks from the day/ write down the next day’s to-do list
  • 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm: Hang out with my boyfriend/ roommates
  • 9:30 pm – 9:45 pm: Nighttime routine
  • 9:45 pm – 10:30 pm: Read in bed or watch a show
  • 10:30 pm: Fall asleep to a meditation or sleep story

3) How do you manage your time and find time to work? WFH is sometimes distracting.

This was super hard for me in the beginning and it took me several tries to find what works best for me. I try to keep a loose outline of what I need to get done for the day in my calendar and/or notebook. If I need a break I let myself step away from work to recharge and to be completely transparent I have had days during the pandemic where I barely got anything done because I was so mentally and emotionally drained. So I work off my energy and the energy the task I am doing requires instead of looking it at it from the measurement of time. Sure, it may take a tad bit longer to get something done, but I am executing it at an optimal level.

yola roberts
Image: Yola Robert

4) What self-care practices do you use to feel good?

Definitely aromatherapy, face masks, feel-good playlists, and uplifting reads.

5) What do you do when you get writer’s block?

If I get writer’s block, I read! Whether it be an article, magazine, or book I have found that reading helps alleviates that block by sparking new creative ideas and linguistic choices.

6) How do you stay informed and creative?

I keep informed by reading, attending virtual panels (now), and talking to other people in my industry.  I have also found that many of the free online IVY League classes and the platform Masterclass have been super informative while allowing me to tap into my creativity.

7) What inspires you to write?

When I am profiling an individual I am oftentimes inspired by their story, but when I am free writing or writing an advice or opinion piece I am inspired by a certain issue, topic, or passion subject. If I ever feel uninspired to write, just as I do when I get writer’s block, I read. Reading the work of other writers inspires me to become an even better writer.

8) What are you hoping for when COVID-19 is over (changes for the workplace)?

I hope the idea of hustle culture is replaced with mindful execution. We can still be successful without burning ourselves out. Working from home during this pandemic has shown you can find ways to work smarter not harder while still achieving your goals.
While you’re here, check out our interview with Bianca May Cheah, our founder. 

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