Meet Leon: the "fast-food" chain serving healthy food

Fast food without the guilt or regret.

Leon, sustainable, fast food chain, healthy takeaway food

What do you get when you bring together the excitement of fast food and the healthiness of fresh food? Enter Leon, a restaurant chain with the convenience of fast food, and the nutritious value of a health food store. Offering fast food without the guilt or regret – put simply, Leon lets you have your cake and eat it too. Leon’s founders recounted their enjoyment visiting fast food chains as children, but as they grew up the excitement faded and the reality of unhealthy food set in. Through the formation of the “fast-food” chain, however, they hoped to give this sense of joy to their customers without the guilt that often comes with too much overindulgence. They launched their first store in London in 2004, and now has 37 stores across England, with plans to expand into the US.


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Leon is a member of the Sustainable Restaurant Association, an organisation that helps restaurants manage their impact on the environment and the local community through the way they source ingredients. With such importance placed on environmental sustainability, Leon offers detailed information on the sourcing of their ingredients, including nutritional guides for each of their products. This includes an identification system that lets you easily identify the vegetarian, vegan and treat options on the menu. In keeping with their focus on sustainability, Leon recently committed to a deal with Opus Energy that will see them run on 100% renewable energy.

The Menu

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Leon’s menu is inspired by Mediterranean cuisine, and is available from breakfast right through to dinner. With options for everyone from fitness fanatics and those on-the-run, Leon has plenty of choices for every kind of customer.
The Original Superfood Salad is a vegan favourite dubbed the ‘food of the future’, while the Lamb Kofte Meatball Hot Box is a Mediterranean staple. The Clean Green and Protein Power Shakes are tantalising drink options served all day.
While the menu is full of healthy and nutritious choices, Leon do provide several treat items, which are clearly marked as such. This typifies their holistic approach to health, believing that in a balanced diet it is important to treat yourself every now and then.

A photo posted by LEON (@leonrestaurants) on


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