3 Tips For Getting Your Best Brows Ever

Because bad brows don't do anyone any favours.

Eyebrows matter. Ask any makeup artist or beauty editor and they’ll tell you that good brows can transform a face for the better. Whereas, bad ones don’t do anyone any favours.
Whether you’re bare-faced or rocking a full blown smokey eye, your arches provide structure and balance to the face. However, there’s a fine line between bold and beautiful brows that suit your face shape and brows that resemble caterpillars (no, thank you!).
So, we turned to Elly Rigney, brow expert and founder of Muse Clinic, and asked her give us the lowdown on getting perfectly groomed brows.

Not only does a perfectly groomed brow accentuate and balance your facial features, it can make you look younger, fresher and more feminine, explains Elly Rigney.

Ahead, she shares her top three tips.

How To Get Your Best Brows Ever

Put down the tweezers

“Book an appointment with a brow expert. A brow expert is the best person to determine the perfect eyebrow shape for your face and provide you with a long-term plan to create more youthful and naturally shaped brows.”

Invest in quality products

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“Hair growth serum is a must-have for sparse brows. I recommend Planet Brow Growth Serum. A premium eyebrow pencil and shade is also paramount.”
We like Benefit Gimme Brow Volumizing Gel, Hourglass Arch Brow Sculpting Pencil and Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Powder Duo.

Have a long-term anti-ageing treatment plan

“This ensures you avoid brow drooping, brow thinning and hair sparsity. This plan should be made with a professional who understands the ageing process of the brow. Your eyes are the window to your soul and should highlight your best features, not distract from them!”

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