Is 'Workplace Popcorn' The Secret To Your Most Successful Day Yet?

'Pop' your way to increased productivity.

I’m not sure why, but I seem to be at my most productive when I work in one location for a few hours, then switch it up to another. Even if it’s just a matter from moving of my desk to my lounge, the slight change of scenery seems to do wonders for my creativity and motivation!
Up until recently, I just assumed I was a weirdo with a short attention span. That is, until I learned there was actually a term for my ‘musical chairs’ approach to working. In an article published by Impossible HQ, the concept has been called ‘workplace popcorn.’ No, unfortunately it doesn’t involve munching on popcorn while you work— although, the homemade variety can make a healthy desk snack!
Workplace popcorn is a combination of a few different productivity methods, including the Pomodoro technique and time-blocking. The technique is specifically designed to help people who work remotely (freelancers, entrepreneurs and digital nomads, we’re looking at you!) get more done. The article’s author, Joel Runyon, claims the technique has tripled his writing input! Here’s the deal.

How workplace popcorn works

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Workplace popcorn begins like most productivity methods — by writing a to-do list. Each morning, write out a list of everything you need to get done. The key is to be as specific as possible — think ‘write 3 blog posts’ vs ‘get some writing done.’ Then, break your list into three sections that are roughly equal in how long they’ll take to complete. For example:
Group #1

  • Task 1 (1 hour)
  • Task 2 (45 minutes)
  • Task 3 (45 minutes)
    • Total time: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Group #2

  • Task 1 (1 hour)
  • Task 2 (30 minutes)
  • Task 3 (1 hour)
    • Total time: 2 hours, 30 minutes

Group #3

  • Task 1 (30 minutes)
  • Task 2 (45 minutes)
  • Task 3 (45 minutes)
    • Total time: 2 hours

This is where the ‘popcorn’ comes in — as you’ll pop from location to location. For each group, pick a different location you’re going to work from. This could be 1. from home, 2. from a cafe and 3. from a cool co-working space.

Image: Studio Woo — available to book on

Not sure how to go about finding a co-working space? Spacenow is a great virtual tool for this. The newly launched website is like AirBnB for workspaces, allowing you to search for and book co-working spaces Australia-wide. They also have offices all over the world (including in Paris, LA, Singapore, New Zealand and Bali), so it’s perfect for if you’re traveling and working!
Once you have your three locations for the day, head to the first one. While you’re there, you should only focus on your first group of tasks — that means no multi-tasking and no distractions! Once you’re done, pack up your things and head to the next location. Make sure you take a half an hour break between locations and if possible, walk — this will help clear your mind and get you ready to work again. Once you’ve repeated this three times, you’re done for the day!
In the article, Joel Runyon explains that this method allows him to get more done in less time— meaning he no longer takes his work home with him at night! Not only can this method boost your productivity, it also encourages you to get more exercise and explore more new places. What’s not to love about that?

Visit to find out more about booking co-working spaces and offices.

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