How To Go Plant-Based Everything, According To Food Experts

Sakara Life Co-Founders and Co-CEOs Whitney Tingle and Danielle DuBoise give us the 101.

In this ever-changing “new normal,” we are constantly trying to better ourselves. Because we are all inside, we are looking to better ourselves and improve our health. One of the ways we do this is by an increased interest in wellness. Some look to a plant-based diet to start to ensure their bodies get all the nutrition they need. One brand whose mission is to better the lives of their custtomers is Sakara Life. They are ensuring their community is safe, happy, and nourished. We spoke to Co-Founders and Co-CEOs Whitney Tingle and Danielle DuBoise about the importance of a plant-based lifestyle and how to begin to start to transition into this nutritious lifestyle if it works for you. Keep reading for more, plus some of our favorite plant-based food and beverage products.

plant-based diet
Image: Sakara Life

How To Go Plant-Based With Sakara Life

1) Why go plant-based?

Danielle + Whitney: Plants contain unique ingredients and nutrients, so it’s crucial to eat a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables to provide your body with powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients. Over 90% of Americans are not getting the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables. Studies show that getting enough plants in our diet is directly related to our overall health, gut health, skin clarity, energy levels, and mental health. Our program ensures you’re getting all the nutrients you need in an easy, delicious way.

2) What are the key elements of a plant-based diet?

Danielle: We define plant-based differently than most. We believe a plant-based diet is one that is based on plants and doesn’t necessarily mean you only eat plants. At Sakara, we focus on an abundance of nutrient-dense ingredients rather than restriction. It’s so crucial to make sure you’re getting enough whole, organic, and fresh leafy greens & veggies to give your body the essential vitamins and minerals it requires to thrive.
Whitney: The Sakara Life organic nutrition program is built on our Sakara Pillars of Nutrition that include incorporating 4-6 cups of leafy greens daily, hydrating fruits and veggies, good fats (think sunflower and hemp seeds), sulfur-rich veggies (such as broccoli and cabbage) to help eliminate toxins, and plant protein to build strong muscle and healthy tissues. You can get a full overview of our Pillars of Nutrition here.

3) How do you see plant-based living in the future?

Danielle: I hope millions will begin to understand the power of food as medicine, and therefore see the value in living a plant-based life. Our mission is to help people understand how much control we have over our health and how we feel. How we nourish ourselves is reflective of how much we value ourselves. My hope is that people will begin to see their worth and take their health into their own hands by nourishing the nutritional foundation behind the Sakara Life Nutrition Program.

Whitney: We are Mother Nature. And by eating a plant-based diet, we’re honoring and taking care of our bodies, our planet, and each other. I believe plant-based living will become even more common in the future as more people start to understand the connection between the health of our bodies and the health of the world we live in. Also, plant-based options have become more delicious!

4) What are the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle?

Danielle: Eating this way allowed me to truly get to the root of my issues and realize the connection and the role food plays in how we feel spiritually, mentally, and physically. It’s also taught us the importance of mind/body connection and above all, eating as close to the source as possible as a way to reconnect with nature and heal through nourishment. The biggest benefit of eating plant-based is that it provides your body with key nutrients that play a major role in significantly improving immunity, skin clarity, fertility, and mental health. The benefits of a plant-based diet are endless. The more you nourish, the better you feel.

Whitney: Before Sakara, I suffered from cystic acne and hormonal imbalances for over a decade. I tried everything on the market to fix it. Creams, lights, lasers, antibiotics, and even Accutane. It wasn’t until I shifted my diet to focus on eating more plants (and the right plants) that I was able to heal my body and clear my skin. Getting a variety of plants into your diet each day provides your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly. Along with many chronic issues, skin problems like cystic acne, psoriasis, and eczema are all signals that the body is out of balance. They will never go away for good if you don’t get down to the root cause — and shift your way of living. And incorporating more organic plants into your diet is the perfect place to start!

Some of Our Favorite Plant-Based Options

1) Sakara Life

sakara life
Image: Sakara Life

One of our favorites for sure. Sakara’s service offers a variety of different meal programs designed to fit seamlessly into your lifestyle. You can choose between their signature organic meal delivery programs with the option to do a one-week trial program or a recurring subscription program. You can also choose the number of days you would like to receive meals (3 or 5 days). Sakara’s meals are organic, plant-based, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-GMO, and have no refined sugar.

2) Plant Nation

plant-based diet
Image: Plant Nation

Plant Nation is a plant-based meal delivery service based in Los Angeles that has many options. You can go vegetarian, vegan, meat-eater, whatever you want. Their meals are super healthy and made to nourish the body.

3) B-Fit

Image: B-Fit

B-Fit began “with a great idea that became a mission.” Their goal was to “create fitness hydration that was a smart choice; an innovative way to hydrate, nurture, and make the world a better place.” The result is a refreshing, plant-based beverage with all-natural electrolytes, nutrients sourced from coconut water and botanicals, and gently sweetened with pure agave nectar and a hint of manuka honey.

4) Beyond Meat

Image: Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat is a leader in making plant-based meat. They believe there is a better way to feed our planet, rather than killing animals. They make delicious plant-based burgers, beef, sausage, crumbles, and more. By shifting from animal to plant-based meat, they address many issues affecting our world today. Issues like human health, climate change, constraints on natural resources, and animal welfare.
While you’re here, check out some of our favorite healthy snacks

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